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Coulee Cops

reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee

11/18 - Someone during the night broke into a shower coin box, took it and also tried to access a second coin box at Coulee Playland. Cameras showed those responsible arrived in a truck and spent about 45 minutes on premises. Damage was estimated at $500. Later, police were told by a man that he had been in the area and had seen two men enter the shower area. He gave police a good description of the vehicle. The man told police that he thought they were local.

- Police were informed that the driver of a white van damaged the awning at the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union ATM at The Star newspaper building. The caller said she tried to stop the driver but she sped toward Coulee Dam. An effort by Grand Coulee police to reach the Coulee Dam police was unsuccessful.

- An Electric City woman reported that someone had damaged the front of her vehicle while it was parked at the Eagles Lodge.

- Police were called to a Hill Avenue location where it was reported that an attempted suicide had taken place. Police found a man who had taken a number of prenatal pills and who stated that he didn’t want to deal with the police. The man was taken to Coulee Medical Center and was later put in touch with a mental health person.

Police had to shoot a deer that had been hit and was missing its two front feet on SR-174.

11/19 - A woman who has a cat rescue operation in Electric City advised police that 10 bags of cat litter and 10 bags of cat food had been taken from her vehicle during the night. She told police that the loss was $150.

USBR Plant Protection advised police of a vehicle parked in a limited access area. Police found a driver who was finishing up a cell phone call. She was advised to leave the area when she finished her call.

- 11/20 - A man on Burdin Boulevard told police that a woman took his cell phone and he tried to call the number but couldn’t reach her. He reported that he only knew her first name.

Child Protective Services asked police to check on a two-month old child living at Weil Place. The request had come from Nevada CPS. The officer found everything was okay.

- A woman on Lakeview Ave. NE in Electric City reported that they had received a call from someone saying they were from IRS and planned litigation against them. She said they knew it was a scam but wanted to report it.

- A Coulee Dam woman told police that when she pulled into a parking space on Main Street her foot slipped off the brake and hit the gas pedal causing the vehicle to jump the curb and run into a store front. She told police that when the airbag deployed it hit her face and nose and left a mark on her wrist. She refused an offer to take her to the hospital. The vehicle smashed a window in the storefront. The owner of the store was called, but wasn’t home, so the officer left a message.

- USBR Plant Protection asked for assistance in helping a lift truck driver who wanted to go up the hill to the Industrial Park. The officer worked traffic so the driver could get to his location.

When an officer made a routine traffic stop at “B” Street and SR-155, he noticed that a passenger was a man from Nespelem who had a warrant out for his arrest. The man was taken to Grant County Jail.

- Police cited a man who went through two stop signs, could not provide registration and insurance papers. He told the officer he didn’t stop because he was about out of gas.

Coulee Dam

11/18 - Police received a call that there was an intoxicated person at the Mason City Park. They found a man sitting on a park bench with just a sweatshirt and it was freezing out. The man told police that he was just taking a break. He said he didn’t need help and started to walk home.

- A woman on Spokane Avenue told police that someone during the night stole her son’s fairly new bike. She gave police a description of the bike.

- Two students at Lake Roosevelt were suspended for three days because of a fight. The issue was because one of the two got wet from a water bottle incident.

- The city crew advised police that a vehicle without plates had been parked on Columbia for several days. Police tried to locate the owner and the report stated if the vehicle isn’t moved soon it will be impounded.

11/19 - A woman on Camas stated that she received a call from someone identifying themselves as from the IRS and that they owed money. The officer told them the IRS call was probably a scam and if the IRS was interested in contacting them it would be by mail.

- The ambulance crew was called to the Coulee Dam Casino because a woman inside had had a seizure. She explained that she hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast and it was mid-afternoon. She refused to go to the hospital but said she would see her own doctor.

11/20 - A man on Pine Street advised police that a burglary had taken place at his location. The man told police that he saw a person in his backyard and when he went out to see what was going on the person ran. Police were unable to find the suspect. The owner of the house said nothing was taken.

- Police saw a driver run the stop sign at Mead Way and Roosevelt and followed the car only to see it run the stop sign at Birch and Sixth. The lucky driver only got a warning.


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