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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


12/2 - A woman on Hill Avenue reported that she was getting text messages and phone calls and wanted the party to stop making them. Police advised her to get a court order. She said she would.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that the gate at the 230 kV Switchyard wouldn’t close. Police stayed at the gate until the maintenance crew arrived. An hour later police received another call that the gate wouldn’t close. They stood by again while maintenance worked on the gate.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police there was a man with a reflective vest near the Visitor Center and asked he be checked. Police arrived at the scene, where a Bureau security guard said the man was an employee from Ephrata who was checking soil erosion. While at the scene the officer heard over the radio that there was another person at the west gate of the industrial yard. This turned out to be an employee of CenturyLink checking on lines. Police contacted Plant Protection asking that in the future when calling an officer they provide all the information they have before he responds.

- That pesky gate at the 230 yard was acting up again. It was the third time the same day that officials couldn’t get the gate to shut. Police stood by while maintenance worked on the gate again. Police a short time later drove by the 230 yard and the gate was open. This time the officer notified Plant Protection and didn’t hang around. An hour later an officer found the gate open again and it wouldn’t close. Plant Protection was notified again. An hour and 45 minutes later an officer drove by and the 230 yard gate was wide open. Plant Protection was notified again.

- Police were advised that a stolen vehicle from Wilbur might be entering the area. A patrolman saw the vehicle and followed it. It turned on a number of small streets and ended up in Electric City on a dead end street. The man driving it was detained until Wilbur police arrived.

- Police received a call that an electric box at Pole Park was open. Police checked, then called USBR Plant Protection, who had an employee take care of the problem.

- Police learned that there was a water problem at a residence on Washington Place in Electric City. Water was pouring out of a garage. Police tried to locate the owner but couldn’t, so an employee of the city turned the water off.

12/3 - An officer noticed an Electric City man in a Grand Coulee business who had a warrant out for his arrest. They arrested him and took him to Grant County Jail.

12/5 - A woman from Electric City called police to tell them that her car skidded on ice while she was parking for the Senior Center on Main Street. It skidded into the side of the Wolf’s Den bar. The owners of the bar were notified.

- Officials at Les Schwab told police that sometime during the night someone had taken a trough heater. Police reviewed a security tape and recognized the man. They are looking for him.

- Police were checking on a report from dispatch about a man who intended to shoot himself. Officers looked in all the places the man usually was but they were unable to find him.

12/6 - Police stopped a vehicle near Pole Park that didn’t have a license plate light and only one brake light and found a man who had his license suspended. He was cited, and a passenger with a valid license took control of the car.

- Police were called to Center Lodge where a fight had occurred the night before in one of the rooms where three people had stayed and had been drinking. Police were told that one of the guys punched another in the eye and that now that person would not let the other two inside. The two said all they wanted to do was get their things from the room. Police went to the room and found that the man inside had an eye swollen shut. He agree to let the other two into the room for their things and to go to Coulee Medical Center for treatment.

12/7 - Police stopped a man driving a Cadillac after observing him driving well over the fog line and later discovered his plates were outdated. The officer found driver had a warrant for his arrest and, after determining that Grant County Jail had an opening, took the man to jail.

- Plant Protection advised police that the 500 kV Switchyard gate was wide open. The officer secured the gate.

- A woman reported that while she was shopping at Safeway someone took her wallet out of the cart.


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