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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


12/11 - Loepp Furniture advised police that a big screen TV was missing from its warehouse. An employee had noted that the warehouse roll-up door was part way open when he went to get the TV for delivery.

12/12 - An Electric City resident reported to police that she had backed out of the Senior Center and hit a car across the street, causing minimal damage.

- Police checked on a report of a man on Crest who was photographing himself with a sword. Police found the man behind the apartments in the parking lot.

- A man who thought his boss had just come to his house to give him a paycheck told police that he received a punch in the face instead. He said his boss accused him of stealing, but the man told police that he had not stolen anything.

- A man on Stevens Street in Electric City was taken to jail on a prior warrant after being involved in a domestic violence issue.

- A Coulee Dam woman was stopped because she didn’t have a license plate on the front of her car and one of her brake lights was not operating. The officer found that her license had been suspended and she could not find her registration and proof of insurance. She was cited and a licensed occupant of her car took over driving duties.

12/13 - An Electric City woman asked police to go to her father’s house because she knew he wasn’t doing well. Police heard the man call for help and had to kick in a garage door to get in. They found the man on the bedroom floor and called for medical assistance.

- Plant Protection advised police that a car was in the ditch near the B Street extension. Police arrived and found that because of the fog the man had turned too early at the intersection and ended up in the ditch. A passerby helped get the car out.

- Three men fishing in a limited access area were told to leave the area, and did.

- Electric City Bar and Grill told police that two men were fighting. Police found that the two men had been drinking and neither wanted to press charges.

12/17 - A 16-year-old was arrested for punching a hole in the wall of his home and later released to his mother. The report is being forwarded to the Grant County prosecutor’s office for review.

- An Everett driver was cited for turning his high beams on and nearly blinding a police officer in Electric City.

- A Coulee City woman reported that a man attempted to run her down with his vehicle after she was leaving Coulee Medical Center. He was later found by Grant County officials and taken to jail for attempted vehiclular assault.

12/18 - Police were called to a residence on Washington Place in Electric City where a woman had taken a lot of pills in an apparent suicide attempt. The woman was taken by ambulance to Coulee Medical Center and a mental health professional was called.

12/19 - Police were advised by Plant Protection that there was a disabled vehicle across the street from the pumping plant at Grand Coulee Dam. A woman at the vehicle stated she was out of gas but that someone was bringing gas for the car. A short time later the gas arrived.

Coulee Dam


12/14 - A motorist with a faulty headlight was stopped at 12th and River Drive and received a warning by the officer. On the same day another driver with a faulty headlight was stopped at Roosevelt Way and River Drive and also received just a warning.

An officer watched a driver run the stop sign at Mead Way and Roosevelt Way and pulled the car over and issued a warning.

12/20 - It was another day of burned out headlights for officers. An officer stopped a vehicle with a faulty left headlight on River Drive and issued a warning and later stopped a vehicle on SR-155 with a faulty right headlight. That driver also got a warning from the officer.


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