Reports compiled from police file
Grand Coulee
1/14 - Police gave the Grand Coulee owner of an abandoned vehicle on Morrison a few extra days to remove it.
1/19 - Police were called to a location on Palmer in Electric City when a man went to check on his mother and found her deceased.
- A Bridgeport resident was ticketed for parking in a handicapped parking space at Safeway.
- A Coulee Dam man was stopped on Midway after an officer clocked his vehicle at 48 mph in a 35 mph zone. When he smelled alcohol, he wrote the man a ticket and advised him not to drive the rest of the evening. The driver and a passenger parked the vehicle and left on foot.
- A man on Hill Avenue arrived home and found a friend had been staying there, a woman passed out in a chair, and the house in a mess. The report said the man staying at the place was “chugging whiskey.” The person whose apartment it was said he couldn’t deal with the mess and left. Later he called police because he was worried about the man. Police arrived, and the man was gone but the woman was still there. She was asked to leave, and did.
1/20 - A Coulee Dam woman reported that someone had stolen her purse and used her debit card at two locations in Grand Coulee. Police are trying to get security camera recordings to see who used the card.
- Police helped a man who had been fishing at North Dam Park find the person who had left him there. He was told that the area was closed after dark.
1/21 - An officer checked on a report of a 12-year-old runaway girl from a resident in Electric City. The girl was later found and returned to her home.
1/22 - A Grand Coulee couple reported that a deer had raced out in front of their vehicle and that they had hit it while driving on SR-174. The couple is getting an estimate of the damage.
1/23 - Police checked on a barking dog complaint on Ronald Drive and found that the dog would bark a few times, be quiet for awhile and then resume barking.
- Police were advised that a Grand Coulee woman was missing. She appeared the next day.
1/24 - Dispatch advised police of a deer on the road at SR-174 and “A” Street. Officers found a deer that had apparently been hit and was unable to walk. The officers got the deer off the road.
- A woman requested charges be filed against a student who allegedly had punched an 11-year-old girl on the school bus. The woman said it is an ongoing problem. The incident occurred in front of Center School.
- Police were called to Center Lodge Motel because a disturbance in one of the rooms. The officer was told that two men were intoxicated and being loud and it was disturbing other guests. The officer told the two to be quiet.
1/25 - A Spokane driver was cited after being stopped when he had been driving around honking his horn. He explained to the officer this was to place a “circle of protection” around the area. He was cited for forgery for changing the date on a trip permit, also for driving while his license was suspended, operating a vehicle without a required ignition interlock, having no insurance and having an expired driver’s license.
1/26 - USBR Plant Protection asked an officer to check the gate at the 500 switchyard. A worker had left the gate open when he exited the area. The officer checked to see if there was anyone inside the gate that wasn’t supposed to be and then shut the gate.
- A woman on Continental Heights told police that she was being harassed by another local woman. She explained that she had posted on Facebook about the woman and then later apologized for what she said. Then the woman came to her house and cursed at her. Police told her to keep any future record of harassment so if it happened again she could get a protection order.
- Police were advised of a number of “volleyball” size rocks on SR-174 near milepost 19. Police cleared the road.
- Police stopped a Wilbur driver on Hillcrest in Electric City because his license tabs had expired. He was cited for this and for not having insurance.
- Police stopped a vehicle at Four Corners because one of its headlamps was not working and it was foggy outside. The officer gave the Coulee Dam woman a warning on the headlamp but cited her for not having insurance.
- An Electric City man told police that he hadn’t seen his son for four days. Police went to the place the son was staying but no one was home. It was reported that the son had been seen the day before at a local store, and the father said he would check on that, and if it wasn’t accurate he would fill out a missing person form.
Coulee Dam
1/20 - Police were called to Harvest Foods to help with an unaccompanied 6-year-old boy. The officer found the boy with a soda in one hand and a box of candy in the other. When the boy, who lives on Pine Street, got off the school bus he went to the store instead of home. The officer took the boy home.
1/21 - A man who lives on Columbia was checking on a house on Stevens which he manages and had left his vehicle in the alley running and blocking the alley. The police told the man not to block the alley and that it was against the law to leave a running vehicle.
- A student at Lake Roosevelt High School advised a counselor that she had a small amount of her father’s marijuana that she had taken from her home. She said she had planned to throw it away when she arrived at school. The father, when reached, said school officials had no right to search the girl’s locker and threatened a lawsuit.
1/22 - A bus driver for Nespelem Head Start reported that two vehicles passed her bus while it was stopped picking up a student. She reported that she got the license plate of one of them and gave it to the police.
1/24 - An officer was advised that there was an unwanted person on the Elmer City Access Road. Police arrived and a tribal officer was on hand and had the incident under control.
1/23 - A school official told police that a female student had left the building and couldn’t be located. The officer looked for the girl but couldn’t find her. The officer was told that the girl had witnessed a fight and was upset about it. Later the girl returned home in Nespelem, the report stated.
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