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It's up to us to maintain the gift

Local school district patrons this year have been given a huge, remarkable gift the benefits of which we are still discovering. And we will still have the privilege of maintaining it for a long time to come. Renewing the tax levy that helps do that is a must.

Seeking a lower rate than the last four-year levy, school district leaders demonstrate admirable restraint and sensitivity to taxpayers. The slight increase in the total amount the district will take in comes from increased value across the district. Some property owners will likely pay less than they are now at a higher rate.

That’s a pretty easy transition into our new ownership of the only school in state history to be built without any of the debt falling on taxpayers to pay. That’s right, none of the cost of the new school is born by local payers of local taxes; it was all paid for with state funds.

Now it’s up to us to keep it in good condition by voting to pass our local levies.

You should have already received a ballot in the mail. Vote yes to renew your support for the Grand Coulee Dam School District’s maintenance and operations levy.

Scott Hunter

editor and publisher


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