COULEE DAM—The Grand Coulee Dam School District board will now begin its meetings at 5:30 p.m., its members voted Monday night. The board now meets in the Lake Roosevelt High School library.
• The Grand Coulee Methodist Church women donated $100 to the school district to purchase snacks to be used in the school’s health rooms to aid diabetic students. The school board accepted the gift.
• Student enrollment for district schools stood at 707 for the month of January. Last year the January count was 667, an increase this year of 40 students. The school district budgeted 660 as an average per month for the current school year.
• The school board approved a field trip request to send the Lake Roosevelt High School vocal solo ensemble and some band students to Wenatchee for musical competition Jan. 30.
• The school board declared as surplus two portable classrooms at their Monday night meeting.
The portables housed various school programs over the years and were in very poor shape.
One of them will be given to an organization that will use it for office space, dealing with the aftermath of the Carlton Complex Fire near Pateros last summer. The second portable will likely be demolished, according to Superintendent Dennis Carlson, unless an interested party can be found. The area then will be graded to allow for parking.
NESPELEM—Nespelem Elementary School’s year was extended by one day Monday night as the school board decided to make the final day June 17. The make-up day was added to replace a day lost on Sept. 23, when the school had to close during repairs to the town’s water system.
• School staff will get training Feb. 2 in the PAX Good Behavior Game, which teaches students “self-regulation, self control and self management while collaborating with others.” A follow-up observation has also been arranged for March 5 in White Swan, a district that has been using PAX for three years with good results. Nespelem already had no school scheduled for March 5, and Feb. 2 is a prescheduled training day.
• The board approved a proposed date of Feb. 11 for a meeting with the Grand Coulee Dam School District board at a place and time yet to be decided.
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