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Remembering Cheryl Garvin

Letter to the Editor

I was very saddened to hear of Cheryl’s untimely death and because Cheryl and I worked so closely together for a number of years, I wanted to just share a few memories with her family and the community.

Cheryl came to work for me at Comrie License Agency on May 1st, 1997 and it became obvious to me that she would soon master the tasks involved, and that, in fact, proved to be the case. She also became involved in my other business, Comrie Accounting Services, and during the hectic rush during tax season she would become an indispensable asset to me. She would handle the phone constantly ringing, greeting tax clients arriving for their appointment, in addition to coping with license office customers with a great amount of professionalism and efficiency. It wasn’t too long before I could leave the office for business trips, tax courses and vacations and feel very confident that I had left my office in extremely capable hands.

Cheryl was very conscientious about her job, and I started to rely on her more and more. She was as honest as the day is long and I would have trusted her with my last dollar.

Cheryl was a fun person to work with, and during slack times we would discuss a wide range of topics, including (but not limited to) NASCAR racing, Little League baseball, the Seattle Seahawks and of course the main love of her life — her family.

At the end of 2005 I moved my tax/accounting office to the old Foisy & Kennedy building on Main Street and Cheryl took over the license agency to be named Tri County License Agency, which she moved a few months later to the Coulee Hardware building. After tax season 2006, I retired, yet I would regularly visit her at her new location where we would enjoy just “shooting the breeze.” Cheryl had a love of animals and she really took to my German Shepherd (Brontë) and would look forward to seeing him every time we visited.

Both Mary and I would like to offer our sincerest condolences to her family Connie, Cindi, Eric and Alicia, Shawn and Kasey and all her grandchildren.

Although now is the time for sadness, time will eventually bring happiness in the form of memories we all shared with her.

God Bless Cheryl - may the Lord’s Peace be with you.

David Comrie

Spokane Valley


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