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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


3/22 - Safeway advised the police that there had been a vehicle prowl in its parking lot. A woman said that someone had taken prescriptions. The woman’s husband said the vehicle was locked and there was no way anyone could have gotten into the vehicle. They told police that they didn’t want to report the incident.

- An Electric City man was banned from Coulee Medical Center for the second time after he went to the clinic complaining of an earache, then stayed in the lobby for six hours after treatment. A nurse had talked to him, but he became agitated, after which the police got involved.

3/23 - A burglary was reported at a residence on Young Street. A neighbor who was looking after the place told police that someone had been inside the house, but it wasn’t determined if anything was missing, other than some shoes.

- A man reported that a rental house he had on Sunny Drive had been entered by someone who had plugged the toilet. Police advised him to change the locks.

- A woman on Batchelor Square told police that during the night someone had stolen yard ornaments from her lawn.

- A Grand Coulee businessman asked that an Electric City man be banned from his business location.

- A man called police to report an aggressive dachshund near Roosevelt and Division. The officer found the dog, but it wouldn’t let him get within 10 feet of him. He waited to see if the dog would lead him to the owner but lost it when the dog got behind a car.

- A Stevens Avenue woman in Electric City said a man who has been harassing her smirked at her and stuck his tongue out at her while she was shopping in Safeway.

3/24 - Police went out to Electric Boulevard in Electric City because someone thought they heard a gun being fired. Police went to the area and found the sound of a shot was likely from a building crew using an air nailer.

- Police were advised that two girls who had run away from Wilbur were riding the People to People bus. The officer found them near Coulee Dam. They were returned to their families.

- A Grand Coulee woman who was on vacation in Oregon had her car and purse stolen. Police there recovered the vehicle, and she returned to Oregon to claim it.

- An Electric City man was told that he was banned from being on private property after receiving a call that the man had entered property that belonged to someone else.

- A woman from Washington Place in Electric City told police that her .38 caliber gun was missing. She provided the officer with the serial number.

3/25 - A Center Street man told police that while he had been in Spokane someone had taken the door handle off his car and that it was locked and he couldn’t get inside.

- A man waiting for another party while parked at North Dam Park after sunset was told the park was closed and he would have to wait someplace else. He said he would go to Four Corners.

3/26 - Police were advised of two lost boys on Martin Road who said they were on their way to their grandma’s house. Police took the boys to grandmas, but she wasn’t home so they were taken to the elementary school.

- An officer checked on an animal complaint at Continental Heights. The person complaining said someone’s black dachshund was peeing and pooping in their yard. The officer looked for the dog but couldn’t find it.

- Grant County Sheriff officials advised police here that they had recovered the motor of a motorcycle that had been reported as stolen.

- Police checked on a report of barking dogs at a residence on Kelso in Electric City. The officer could hear the dogs but was unable to contact the owner.

3/27 - Plant Protection reported that a woman walking sat down near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam alongside another person sitting on a rock, and they were apparently drinking. The officer found a man and woman sitting on the rock and the man said he had just finished a bottle of beer. He was told he couldn’t drink on federal property.

Coulee Dam


3/15 - A driver got a verbal warning when an officer noticed that the driver had a defective headlamp.

3/19 - A student driver ran into a teacher’s vehicle at Lake Roosevelt High School. The two exchanged insurance information and the student agreed to pay for the damage.

- A student at the high school was expelled for threatening a teacher.

- A woman walking her dog and children in a stroller on Birch Street told police that a large pit bull came out and challenged them. She was afraid the dog might harm someone. Police told the owner that the dog could not stay in town and he agreed to give it to someone in Keller.

3/20 - A student at Lake Roosevelt High School was turned in for sharing tobacco on campus. A search of the student’s backpack revealed a smoking pipe with residue that tested as marijuana.

- A woman on Stevens Avenue reported that she had been contacted by someone who stated they were from the IRS, that there was a lawsuit pending and that she should call them back. She recognized it as a scam but wanted to report it.

3/21 - A reported suspicious vehicle parked on Columbia Avenue turned out to be a police car.

3/23 - An officer followed up on a report that a woman living in Electric City might be suicidal. It was determined that the woman would not harm herself.

3/24 - Three different drivers in separate incidents got verbal warnings for minor infractions.

3/26 - A reported suspicious man on Tulip Street turned out to be a man waiting for a woman to get off work.

- A man on Columbia Avenue reported that he had found some groceries near a boat in his yard. Police inventoried the groceries: one can of coffee, a head of lettuce, a pack of flour tortillas with four tortillas remaining, a jar of salsa about half empty, one jar of mustard, one frozen hamburger steak meal, a package of banana popsicles, a quart of ice cream, a one-pound container of bologna, and two tomatoes. The officer took the groceries back to the office to take a picture of them and then put them in the garbage.

3/29 - A man at the Columbia View Apartments told police that when he returned home from work he found that someone had entered his apartment and taken some technology devices and about $5 in change.


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