reports compiled from police files
Grand Coulee
4/21 - A woman on Burdin Boulevard told police that she had two stray dogs on her porch. The dogs were gone when police arrived.
— Police assisted Lincoln County Sheriff’s officers in making an arrest at the Bureau of Reclamation on an outstanding warrant.
4/22 - A woman who was watching another woman’s daughter told police that they hadn’t heard from her and were worried. Later dispatch noted that the woman had been located and she was OK.
- Police were advised that some suspicious activity was going on at an apartment on “A” Street. The officer found that a woman was house sitting for the occupant.
4/23 - A woman advised police that she had lost her driver’s license.
- A man on Mead Avenue complained again about a dog barking. An officer went by but the dog wasn’t barking at the time.
- A couple reported that they felt threatened by a man as they walked by his place on Grand Coulee Avenue. The officer advised the man that he could get in trouble by threatening people. He denied the threats.
4/24 - A man who had been asked to move his vehicle because the parking lot was being swept, said that his accelerator stuck and caused him to hit a building on Midway Avenue. Police said the building suffered $2,500 damage and the vehicle $6,000.
- A woman on E. Grand Avenue in Electric City told police that someone had stolen her $220 gas-powered weed eater.
- A woman on Butler Square told police that a neighbor is making so much noise that it wakes her baby up. She said the party is moving soon but she is afraid of her things being vandalized.
- A driver who was clocked at 42 mph in a 30 mph zone near the top of Grand Coulee Dam was warned on the speed and issued a citation for not having insurance.
4/25 - Dispatch advised an officer that two suspicious persons were reportedly casing the senior center. The officer found two juveniles on the roof who said they were just hanging out. Their parents were advised and the two were told not to go near the building again.
4/26 - A dispute brought an officer to Banks Lake Pub in Electric City, where a woman had allegedly threatened another woman. The officer talked with one of their sons who touched the officer’s taser gun. He told the officer that he was just horsing around. Later the officer talked with one of the women who was somewhat intoxicated and had slurred speech. The officer asked the woman who had called to report the incident to provide a written statement so the incident could be further investigated.
- Police noted that three young children supposed to be at a birthday party were seen going into a deserted business building on Spokane Way. The officer contacted adults at the birthday party and explained that the young children shouldn’t be in the deserted building.
- A vehicle that had skidded into the yard of a residence on Electric Place in Electric City, brought police to the scene. The driver of the vehicle was cited for second-degree negligent driving, driving in violation of a corrective lenses restriction and still having studded tires on. The driver was from Coulee Dam.
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