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PUD's cost of service analysis is a lot of hooey

Letter to the Editor

The Grant County PUD Commissioners are holding a “Cost of Service Analysis” workshop in the PUD office in Ephrata, May 4, at 9 a.m. Before you go, I would urge you to visit the “Public Disclosure Commission” website at

It will help you to understand which three commissioners are heavily financed in their election campaigns by the large, heavy-use, foreign-owned companies, that located here solely for the reason of low-cost power and to send their profits to corporate offices in far away places at the expense of the Grant County core users.

The whole “Cost of Service Analysis” is a bunch of hooey. By the PUD’s own definition, it is based on “assumption” and “speculation.”

Douglas County PUD is the lowest cost energy in the nation. They have only one rate for everyone. Must be doing something right, huh? No politics there. Other utilities don’t use it, neither should Grant.

Currently we have one commissioner who votes with a conscience. He was the sole opposing vote when the two resolutions, which were in place to protect the ratepayers, were rescinded. Thank you, Tom Flint, for your integrity.

Ken Noggles

Coulee City


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