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School board briefs

COULEE DAM—The Grand Coulee Dam School District approved five resignations and one hire at its meeting last Wednesday night. Resigning were Lisa Vaughn, music teacher; Randi Heizer, paraprofessional for speech in the elementary school; LaLaina Caddy, paraprofessional in the elementary school; Barbara Mooney and Julie Hart, both bus drivers. The lone hire was Loren Endsley, secondary PE/Strength teacher.

The school board’s regular meeting date of Monday, May 25, has been moved to 5:30 p.m. Monday June 1, due to a lack of a quorum on the regular date. At its meeting the board accepted the resignation of board member Ted Piccolo.

The OK for the Lake Roosevelt High School senior trip, which was delayed last month by the school board because all the paperwork hadn’t been done, was approved last Wednesday night.

Seniors plan to stay at a Lake Chelan resort June 4-5, take a cruise on the Lady of the Lake and visit the Slidewaters recreation area.

The school board also approved several year-end trips at its May 13 meeting. Trips approved were the fifth- and sixth-grade band trip to Silverwood, June 15; Rocketry students to Yakima Nation Blast-Off, May 16; Lake Roosevelt Junior High reward trip to Triple Play at Hayden, Idaho; June 12; Lake Roosevelt High School reward trip to Triple Play, Hayden, Idaho, May 29; and physics students to Silverwood, date to be announced.

NESPELEM—Nespelem School District’s board approved contract renewals Monday night for teachers Elizabeth Corwin, Sheri Edwards, Dean Erickson, Christina Christopherson, Linda Rise, Jama VanBrunt and Tracy White.

Christopherson will be teaching summer school this year. Para professionals Kim Iverson, Theresa Wilder and Debbie Bays will join her. Dee Kuhne will be the bus driver and cook.

The board accepted the resignation of Linda Saint as the culture program coordinator.

The district accepted a bid from North Central Educational Service District to provide information technology services for $111,000 over three years.

A work session on the budget has been scheduled for Tuesday, May 26 at noon.

The school will have to cut up about 80 feet of concrete floor to fix a water pipe leaking under the kitchen, discovered as water filled one corner of the floor of the gym recently.


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