reports compiled from police files
Grand Coulee
5/19 - Police assisted a Coulee Dam officer in identifying a woman who had given two names. The woman’s driver license was suspended and there were several arrest warrants for her. After assisting it was left to Coulee Dam to complete the arrangements.
- Police checked on two 911 hang-up calls from Coulee Medical Center and determined that it could have been from a problem with the phone lines.
5/19-20 - Police received a private call on an alleged child abuse incident on Grand Avenue East, in Electric City. The next day, police, along with a member of Child Protective Services, entered the residence and found no supporting evidence of the claim.
- A woman called to report that her 26-inch, 27-speed bicycle had been stolen from a Main Street location. Value of the bike was noted at about $100.
- A woman reported that a 5-year-old child was missing. Police found that the child had gone to a different friend’s house than the one she was suppose to go to. The officer explained to the child that she shouldn’t go places without informing her mother.
5/21 - A Spokane driver pulled out of the Four Corners intersection into the path of an oncoming driver from Seattle and the impact sent the Spokane vehicle into one being driven by an East Wenatchee driver. There were no injuries.
– Police checked on a report of an animal in distress, but found a new puppy, and there was no problem with the dog.
- A man who lives on O’Sullivan found and reported a backpack he found in the city park on SR-174. Police are trying to find the owner.
- A man on Electric Boulevard in Electric City told police that he thought his neighbor had slashed his tire. While the officer was there, the neighbor came over and said he wanted something done about being harassed. After a visit, the two agreed to keep their dogs and persons on their own property, and the officer suggested that the two parties not have any communication with each other.
5/22 - A Spokane driver told police that his disabled vehicle across from Pole Park had all but one lug bolt broken off and he would have the vehicle off the side of the road before noon the net day. USBR Plant Protection was notified.
- Police checked on a noise complaint near the fish pens in Electric City and found some fishermen who had been playing loud music but had turned it off before the officers arrived.
5/23 - A man known to have two warrants for his arrest was seen on Spokane Way, arrested and taken to Grant County Jail.
- Police assisted in a report that there was a burglary in progress on Cedar Street in Coulee Dam. After checking the residence it was determined that the wind might have blown the door open.
- A man on Diamond Street in Electric City told police he heard what he thought was a domestic issue, but was unclear where the noise was coming from. Police went through the area but couldn’t find where the noise came from.
- Police checked on a report of a vehicle stuck in the sand along the shoreline at Eden Harbor. The truck was finally pulled from the sand and police found it was a driver from Kent.
- Police checked on a report that a vehicle had stopped on SR-155 near milepost 23, pulled a woman into the vehicle and raced off. The vehicle was found at Sunbanks Lake Resort, and the driver explained that the woman was intoxicated and pulled into the vehicle so she wouldn’t be hit by traffic.
5/24 - Police checked on a report of two individuals taking a number of bottles of beer from the Cantina at Sunbanks Lake Resort and then running off towards SR-155. The items were found in the bushes but the suspects were not found.
- A woman at a Lakeview Drive house in Electric City reported a burglary, but police found that it was a nephew who had come to the house unexpectedly. Police were advised that all was OK.
- A Tacoma man was stopped and issued a citation for not wearing his seatbelt.
- A Camano Island man was questioned and released by police after receiving a report of an altercation at Sunbanks Lake Resort. The man was warned that his language could be taken as a threat.
- A semi driver from Tennessee told police he was parked in a restricted area. He explained that he had a delivery there on Tuesday and was told he could park near the barbecue area until the time of the delivery.
5/25 - A group of people from Stanwood who were camped at Sunbanks Lake Resort were advised that the noise they were making was disturbing other campers.
Coulee Dam
5/17 - A woman on Columbia Avenue reported that after hearing her dog bark, she looked out and saw a man run into the bushes along Fiddle Creek. An assist for a search of the area was asked of the Grand Coulee police and an officer came down and the two covered the area by foot but couldn’t find anyone.
5/18 - Police stopped a Grand Coulee driver because his license plate light was out. He was advised to get it fixed.
5/19 - Police stopped a Cadillac on Birch Street whose driver allegedly gave a false name. When the officer learned her real name, he found a Grant County warrant for her arrest. She was taken to Grant County Jail and will be further charged for making false statements to a law enforcement officer and for driving while her license was suspended.
5/20 - Lake Roosevelt school officials reported that they are getting threats from a woman on Facebook. The officer said he didn’t think the postings reached the threshold of threats but would send the postings to the prosecutor’s office.
5/22 - A couple of drivers picked up warnings from police, one for a rolling stop at the school and the other for not having a front license plate.
- Police checked on a report of a possible vicious dog at the elementary school. The officer looked at film of an incident and saw that the children were chasing the dog. The officer is looking for the dog so he can advise its owner to keep it penned up.
- An officer followed a driver who entered traffic from the school grounds and gave the driver a warning on several mistakes made.
- A driver whose vehicle didn’t have a front plate was stopped at River Drive and Crest Drive and received a warning.
- School officials stated that they had a juvenile in possession of marijuana in the office. The officer interviewed the girl while her mother was on the speakerphone and learned that she had planned to sell the marijuana. Police are asking Okanogan County juvenile officials to file charges on possession and with intent to sell. The girl was turned over to a family member.
- A woman on Pine Street told police that she is being harassed by a woman posting threatening messages on Facebook. She said she has closed her Facebook account, but was advised to get a restraining order from Okanogan District Court.
5/24 - A woman on Aspen said she had been assaulted on three separate days, but asked that they call a tribal officer. Tribal officers arrived and took charge of the investigation.
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