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Fireworks are scary in this heat

Scott Hunter

If there was ever a good argument for expressing your patriotism and love of explosives in a big group, the weather is providing a better one.

Frankly, the current heat wave is scary, especially remembering the wildland fires the local area has experienced over the last few years.

Fireworks are fun, and as kids many of us had a blast taking stupid risks. But this week would be a good time for putting childish things behind us.

It’s a little surprising that local fire chiefs have not called for an all-out ban on private fireworks, given the tinder conditions surrounding us and the extreme heat forecast. But that doesn’t mean people couldn’t individually decide to do the right thing, forgoing backyard blasts. If you’ve got them, consider lighting them off at North Dam, a spot local firefighters can keep contained with relative confidence.

If you don’t have your own, consider enjoying the fireworks off the top of Grand Coulee Dam this year, which is reportedly going to double what recent years have seen.

As fun as fireworks are, they’re one-night thrill is no match for the lifetime comfort of a family home, yours or someone else’s.

Let’s put the safety of all at our highest peak of priorities this week.

Scott Hunter

editor and publisher


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