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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


6/29 - A police officer assisted a Coulee Dam officer in the investigation of a burglary on Holly Street.

- A man came into the police department office to report a fire on “B” Street. The officer responded to the area to provide assistance to firefighters.

- A citizen on Third Street reported water gushing up near a hydrant. The city crew was advised of the problem.

6/30 - A woman on Burdin Boulevard reported that during the night someone had taken her son’s mountain bike.

7/1 - Police learned of a yelling incident near Flo’s Cafe. The officer who went to the scene found that a worker on the building and his girlfriend had been arguing and yelling, and it was 6 a.m. The officer talked to both parties.

- Officers responded to a report of a physical domestic dispute near Burdin Boulevard and found a man and two women who had been arguing. Police ran their names and found that one of the women had a warrant out for her arrest. She resisted, and police had to lean her over a half buried tractor tire to finally get wrist restraints on her. She got a ride to Grant County Jail.

7/2 - An officer followed up on a suspicious vehicle report near Continental Heights only to learn the driver was playing a GPS game and driving to destinations around town.

- A man on Continental Heights reported what he thought was a threat made to him on Facebook. Police took the information.

- Police checked on a man on Partello who was living in a garage. He was washing dishes in a bucket when the officer arrived. The man said the bank had kicked him out of his home and that he didn’t need help.

- An officer pulled over a car whose driver might have tossed a firecracker near the top of the dam. The driver said that he thought someone on the sidewalk had tossed the firecracker.

7/3 - A woman on west Grand Avenue in Electric City reported that a person who was not suppose to be in contact with minors was in a nearby house with minors. Police went to the house and couldn’t find any minors, but could smell marijuana. The report is being forwarded to the Department of Corrections.

- Plant Protection advised police that a boat had violated the security area between the bridge and the dam. Officials said they had tried to contact the tribal unit that provides security for the dam but were unable to do so. Police went to the boat launch near Seaton’s Grove, but by that time the tribal unit had responded.

- Five individuals who were looking at the waterfall in the industrial area were asked to leave because they were in an area closed to the public.

- SBR fire unit asked for help with an individual who was suffering from the heat. The person was taken to their residence on First Street in Grand Coulee.

- An Oregon driver was stopped for going 48 mph in a 35 mph zone, and the officer learned that he didn’t have a driver’s license. The man said he lost his license because of unpaid traffic fines in Oregon. He wasn’t allowed to drive, but the officer, because of the heat, gave the man a courtesy ride to Coulee Playland.

- An Electric City man was banned from the Visitor Center area when it was reported that he tried to sell drugs there. The man denied the accusation.

- A man from Inchelium who had parked his car blocking Stevens Avenue was told to move it. It was found that he didn’t have a driver’s license. A licensed driver moved the car.

7/4 - A man who was walking down Martin Road said two people shot at him with rifles. The officer spoke with several people in the area and they said all they heard was fireworks.

- An Edmonds man who was stopped for driving 55-60 mph through Electric City was cited for not having registration or insurance.

- An east Grand Coulee Avenue woman told police she had received an harassment message from her estranged husband. Police asked that she collect all such messages and give them to police.

- An Inchelium driver, who had been stopped the previous day discovered to not have an operator’s license, was seen driving again. The driver was stopped again and cited for driving and for not having insurance. He was told he had 20 minutes to find a licensed driver or his vehicle would be towed. A woman came with a license to take the vehicle. The report indicated that the man had one studded tire on, a broken tail light and a bald tire. The woman was told to move the car and park it.

- Plant Protection informed police that two people who were in the Visitor Center parking lot were placing sleeping bags on the ground. The two were gone when police arrived.

7/5 - Center Lodge officials reported to police that they had a stray dog. The officer was able to track the dog to its owner with information on a tag.

- A man walking down Midway Avenue trying to gain access to businesses was stopped by an officer and yelled out, “Leave me alone, I’m having a bad night.” The man was told to stay out of the lane of traffic.

- A 31-year-old man was cited for theft after it was reported by his mother on Jackson Avenue in Electric City that he had taken money from her purse.

- A man wanted on a warrant was found at North Dam Park, arrested, and taken to Grant County Jail.

- A woman on First Street in Grand Coulee dialed 911 when she noticed the head of a 2-year-old boy sticking through the “cat” door in her kitchen at 9 p.m. She was able to find the parents of the boy, who were out looking for him, before police arrived.

- A young girl was listed as a runaway from a house on “D” Street. The girl had run away several times before.

- A man reported that he’d seen three people dig a hole near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam, gingerly place an object in it, cover it up and place a rock atop the hole. Police talked to a man from Georgia who explained that he had struck a bird with his vehicle and the trio had buried the bird, had a little ceremony and took a picture of the little grave. The officer opened the grave and there indeed was a bird inside.

Coulee Dam


6/29 - A woman on Holly Street told police that two boys had been seen hanging around her house. She said she couldn’t see anything broken or missing. Police couldn’t find the boys.

- A woman on Holly Street complained that her neighbor had too many cats, 10 were counted in her front yard. The woman said all of the cats were not hers. Tribal Animal Control was notified.

6/30 - Colville Tribal Police asked for assistance in finding a young man they were interested in. Police thought he might be in either a Cedar Street or Tulip Street house, but they couldn’t turn him up.

- A man on Fir Street reported that a woman was seen running from his truck. Police looked for the woman but she was gone.

7/2 - A Seattle man flagged down an officer at Mason City Park and stated he needed a jump start. The officer got a jump cable and assisted the man in getting his vehicle started.

- A woman told police that she had parked her truck and gone into Jack’s station to purchase something, and when she returned someone had parked in front of her. When she tried to back out, she struck the vehicle behind her. The two parties exchanged insurance information.

7/3 - An officer stopped a vehicle that had rolled through the intersection at the Access Road to Elmer City and River Drive. The owner of the car accused the officer of stopping the vehicle because the driver was Native American and wanted the officer’s badge number, which was given to him. The driver was warned for not stopping.

7/4 - A woman driver was given a warning for going 74 mph on the Elmer City Access Road.

- A report of a sick animal on Birch Street brought an officer to the area. The report stated that the dog had what appeared to be a large tumor on its back. The man who had the dog was advised to contact animal control in the morning.

7/5 - Police saw a man walking on Cedar Street who was wanted on a warrant, arrested him and took him to Okanogan County Jail.


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