Little boy
finds cat door
A woman on First Street in Grand Coulee got a shock Sunday when she saw a 2-year-old boy partway through her kitchen cat door.
Vicki Fish, who lives at 400 First Street, said at first she thought it was a raccoon, but then saw the boy's head extended through the door.
It happened about 9 p.m. and she immediately called 911.
Before police arrived she had picked the boy up and was able to return him to his parents, who at the time were out looking for him.
Fish said the boy had traveled over a block and had crossed a road to get to her house.
Officer Dan Howard had responded to the 911 call, but stated in his report that the child had been returned before he arrived.
Not meeting
The Regional Board of Mayors have cancelled their July 13 meeting. The mayors next meet on Aug. 10, at 4 p.m. at the Electric City council chambers. The July meeting was cancelled for lack of business.
Native art show planned for Grand Coulee
An outdoor Native Art Show will be set up July 18-19 on Midway Ave. across from Coulee Hardware in the parking lot of Body by Dam.
The show and market will be judged, and entries can win up to $400 for first place.
The event is being coordinated by the Northwest Native Development Fund and will feature up to a dozen artists, including Stefanie Zacherle-Marchand, whose piece is shown.
Salmon science on agenda
The Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board will hold a regional salmon recovery science conference Jan. 27-28, 2016, in Wenatchee. The four objectives of the conference are: 1) Connect science with future direction; 2) Share and discuss information about listed species in the Upper Columbia and their habitat; 3) Bring experts from outside the region to share ideas; and 4) Provide participants the opportunity to network and interact with others working on salmon recovery throughout the area.
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