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Beer tent did not cause sky to fall

Letter to the Editor

I had a unique opportunity to see first hand the impact of the Beer Tent during the Festival of America. THERE WAS NONE. NOTHING. There was NO negative impact. It was right here, I could hear it and see it.

Before the Festival, people predicted there would be violence, loud activity, people using the town as a potty. NONE OF THAT HAPPENED. It was peaceful, pleasant, clean, respectful, and potties were delivered to the site and used.

We can be so quick as a community to say NO because “In 1974 they tried it and so and so fought and such and such happened … .”

I’m proud of our Chamber for coming up with a new idea for turning the Festival of America into a money making venture. People enjoyed it and the sky did not fall Henny Penny. A lesson for other innovative ideas? I think so. (The success of the new Fireworks show deserves it’s own letter - most awesome show I’ve ever seen.)

Glo Carroll

Coulee Da


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