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Standing up for rural postal delivery

  Post offices are crucial anywhere, but especially crucial in rural areas that depend on the postal service to stay connected through news delivery, services crucial to businesses, and, in some communities, a link to prescription drugs and other services.

The mail service is a national treasure that has been in operation for 240 years. Every day, the Postal Service provides affordable, universal mail service to all—without using taxpayer dollars for its operation.

The Center for Rural Affairs has signed letters of support for continuing reliable, affordable six-day mail delivery from the US Postal Service. Particularly for remote rural citizens, the service is a lifeline. Nearly 10,000 people have signed the pledge.

We also sign letters of support for two bipartisan measures in the House of Representatives. One, HR 54, would restore service standards to those in use before last January’s reductions. The combination of reduced service standards and closing mail processing facilities has left rural Americans and businesses experiencing the worst of mail delays.

The other House measure (HR 12) calls for maintaining six-day mail service across the country. Small towns and rural communities, in particular ,depend on this service as a link to prescription drugs and other vital services. Both measures passed in the House.

To pledge your support to save our public postal service, visit: OR


Established in 1973, the Center for Rural Affairs is a private, non-profit organization working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities through action oriented programs addressing social, economic, and environmental issues.


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