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Coulee Cops

reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee

10/18 - USBR Plant Protection advised police that a vehicle was parked in an area restricted after hours. The vehicle was gone when an officer arrived. Police were given the license plate number of the vehicle.

- Police went to Coulee Gas, where an altercation had occurred involving two girls and a male driving a van. One of the girls told the officer that she confronted the driver about some things he had reportedly said about her. The second girl struck the driver several times in the face. The driver stated he didn’t want to press charges, and the juveniles were turned over to their parents.

- A Hartline woman told police that her vehicle had struck a guardrail on the Almira hill about a half mile south of Alcan Road. She reported that there was heavy fog and visibility was limited. She said it was raining and when she slammed on the brakes her vehicle slid into the guardrail. Her vehicle had about $1,000 damage.

- A dog threatened two girls on Banks Avenue. When the owner of the dog was confronted, he said he would get it licensed and keep it on a leash when it was outside.

- A man on Continental Heights complained to police that a neighbor was playing his music too loud. The neighbor agreed to turn the music down.

10/19 - A Grand Coulee officer assisted in Coulee Dam as a standby while a town officer banned a person from a place on Birch Street.

- Police cleared a number of large rocks from the roadway at milepost 20 on SR 174. It was the second time that rocks have been in the road at that location. The Department of Transportation was notified.

10/22 - A man who had just been released from jail told police that he had received a text message from his ex-girlfriend that stated she was thinking about suicide. He asked police to check on her. She told police she was fine and that she was afraid of her ex-boyfriend. Police checked and there wasn’t any court order preventing the man from contacting the woman.

- Police responded to a domestic violence report on E Street and ended up taking both parties to Grant County Jail. The woman was arrested for malicious mischief for breaking a window to enter the home after being locked out. The man was arrested for violating a no-contact order.

- Police are looking for a man who allegedly took money and cashed the same employment check twice while an employee at Flo’s Cafe. Police are asking that the man be charged with third-degree theft.

- A man told police that someone had tried to enter his storage unit at Coulee Boulevard East. He said he could see marks indicating someone had tried to cut the lock.

10/23 - A woman on Roosevelt Drive said she thought someone had opened the door to her outside shed. She asked for more patrols in the area.

- Police helped volunteer fire personnel load a person who had called and complained of hip pain. She was taken to the hospital.

- A man on Roosevelt Drive complained about a nearby dog that barks all the time.

- A police officer went to Coulee Dam to assist its officer in locating a man being pursued. The person wasn’t found.

- Two kids from B Street were playing with Big Wheels left at their house. An anonymous caller advised police of the situation. The officer checked with the owner of the Big Wheels, who said it was OK, they would get them back.

10/24 - A man on Lincoln Avenue in Electric City was arrested after a domestic violence incident in which he admitted pushing his live-in partner. He was taken to Grant County Jail.

- A Wilbur man and a woman listed as a transient were allegedly involved in a burglary of a house on A Street. The woman was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail and faces charges of residential burglary, possession of a controlled substance, possession of a legend drug without a prescription, third-degree theft, and possession of drug paraphernalia. Police are asking the prosecutor’s office to file charges of residential burglary and third-degree theft against the man. He wasn’t arrested on the spot because he had been asked by the woman to assist.

10/25 - Two individuals who took pallets from Coulee Hardware were told to take them back. The parties told police that someone at Safeway told them it was OK to take them. Police asked if anyone at Coulee Hardware said they could take them, and they said no.

Coulee Dam Police

10/19 - A woman was banned from a residence on Holly Street after a domestic dispute. An officer stood by while she gathered her belongings and was advised not to return.

- A vehicle that had been parked in front of a residence on Sixth Street for about a month was towed away.

10/21 - Police gave several warnings on this date for speed and stop sign violations.

10/22 - A boy and a girl told police they were chasing deer on Holly Street because they were bored. They were told to stop.

10/23 - A man was confronted by a homeowner on Aspen Street and when asked what he was doing, answered, “Just looking at your stuff.” The subject was met by police and chased by an officer. The man was not located.

- A man who was observed driving 70 mph in a 35 mph zone on the Elmer City Access Road was given a verbal warning.

- Police issued verbal warnings for a speeding incident on the Elmer City Access Road and a faulty brake light stop on Columbia Drive.

10/24 - Police followed up on a barking dog call on Lincoln Avenue. The owner wasn’t home and the officer told the person making the call that he would contact the owner of the dog later.

- A driver was stopped and warned for having a faulty headlamp on his vehicle.

10/25 - A Keller man was arrested for disorderly conduct after police received two complaints that he was walking in the roadway and obstructing traffic.

10/26 - A man wanted on a warrant was arrested on Birch Street after the officer recognized him. He was taken to Grant County Jail.


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