Catching up after regional facility flooded
Local mail carriers and post office workers will be working this Saturday and Sunday to catch up on delayed mail delivery, following storm damage to the U.S. Post Office’s distribution center in Spokane, which was flooded Tuesday night.
That was the day Grand Coulee’s newest postmaster started on her new job. Postmaster Amy Glover seemed unfazed Friday afternoon at the prospect of handling a double delivery Saturday after three days of local mail backing up in Spokane and Seattle.
Glover said the Grand Coulee Post Office will be open both Saturday and Sunday for mail delivery, but not for retail operations. Don’t expect to buy stamps or anything else. But carriers will be delivering to their routes on both days, and workers in the offices at Grand Coulee, Coulee Dam will be sorting the incoming mail and stuffing the post office boxes, said Glover, who also oversees the Coulee Dam and Elmer City offices.
Electric City Postmaster Dannette Pryor said that office will also be open for delivery with its dutch door open, but it, too, will not be open for retail operations.
The roof of the facility in Spokane that is the postal sorting hub for Eastern Washington was damaged in a wind storm Nov. 17, and repairs were still underway when Tuesday’s wind and rain hit, flooding the place.
Officials said no mail was damaged, but the building was not usable.
Even mail going from one local town to another — Coulee Dam to Grand Coulee for example — is normally sorted in Spokane.
Glover said, however, that they have been sorting local mail locally since the Spokane facility went down.
"We'll have everything caught up by Monday," Glover said.
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