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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


3/1 - Police were asked to make more patrols on Weil Place after a woman reported a trespass at her home there.

- A U-Haul dolly taken from Coulee Hardware was recovered by Ferry County Sheriff’s deputies and returned to the owner.

3/2 - Police were asked to set up a watch at the southern Electric City city limits to watch for a suspect wanted in connection to an incident at Coulee City schools. The patrol was ended when the suspect was apprehended.

- Police checked on a man on Williams Street who overdosed on alcohol. He refused to go to the hospital after being checked by an EMT crew.

3/3 - Police checked on a reportedly suspicious vehicle in the parking lot of an apartment house on Crest in Electric City. The driver said she was there to pick up a friend.

- Police checked on a burglary on Federal Avenue. The owner of the storage building told police that someone had entered the building, causing about $1,250 damage, but it didn’t appear that anything was missing.

- An Omak man told police that someone took his medications from his car while he was shopping in a Grand Coulee store. He said that he thought he had locked the car, but when he returned from shopping the medications were missing.

- Police are asking the prosecutor to file charges of second-degree burglary and third-degree theft against a man they say entered a firm on Main Street and took two drills. A clerk at the store retrieved the drills from the back seat of the suspected offender.

- An Electric City woman told police that she saw a man and woman doing suspicious things near Third Street. Police could not find the suspects.

- An A Street resident told police that a man known to him had taken his tablet computer and money. He said he told the man to return the tablet but the suspect said he didn’t know where it was.

- A driver from Roosevelt Drive was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail after allegedly hitting a fence and leaving the scene while intoxicated. She is being charged with driving under the influence and hit and run. Her car was towed.

- Police provided backup for Lincoln County law enforcement when it was reported that a man had driven his pickup into a garage on Columbia Drive and closed the door. The man explained to law enforcement that he watches the place for the owner. Police checked with the owner and were told it was OK for the man to be on the property.

- A woman residing at E. Grand Coulee Avenue told police that when she returned home from vacation she discovered that her house had been burglarized and she was missing a TV, three guns, a coin collection, jewelry and other items. Total loss at the time wasn’t determined. The burglar had entered through a pried window.

3/4 - A Moses Lake man was arrested for driving under the influence, driving while his license was suspended, driving without his interlock device on and having an open container of alcohol in the vehicle. He was taken to Grant County Jail. While being questioned by police, he told them to write down that he was “drunk.” He had been reported as drinking by a city employee in Electric City. The incident gave new meaning to “giving him a lift” as the officer had to carry him to the patrol car and later into police headquarters.

- A man who had reportedly urinated behind a Midway Avenue building, and who was found drinking beer in front of Coulee Hardware, was found to have a warrant for his arrest. He was taken to Grant County Jail on the warrant.

- Homeowners on A Street told police that a woman staying there had refused treatment from EMTs after they were called because she wouldn’t stop yelling. The homeowners said they wanted her gone, and she told police she had no place to go. She was advised to pack her things.

- A man on Alcan Road was arrested for being in possession of a trailer reported to have been stolen out of Moses Lake. He was taken to Grant County Jail.

- Police are trying to identify a male caught on camera stealing two bottles of alcohol at Safeway. He had put the bottles into a hand basket but then fled out the door with them without paying. He headed up Spokane Way on foot.

3/5 - A Wilbur man was stopped after failing to use his turn signals, and the officer found that the driver had a suspended license but didn’t have his registration or proof of insurance. A licensed driver was found by a passenger and the police report was forwarded to the prosecutor’s office for action.

- A woman on Burdin Boulevard told police that she had asked a man to look after her dog and that he had given it to someone in Coulee Dam.

- A Douglas County man was told not to park a vehicle he had abandoned on city streets.

3/6 - A Ronald Drive couple returning from vacation told police that someone had burglarized their home. Missing were a number of tools, a TV, and many other items. They are preparing a list for police.

3/7 - A child and his father were reunited at Safeway. The boy told police that he had been on Main Street trying out for a play and that his father was supposed to be there to pick him up. When he wasn’t there, the boy went to Safeway, where he was helped by a man who learned of the boy’s problem.

- A 23-year-old man was banned from the Grand Coulee library after he had been unruly. When he was told to leave, he gathered up his things and left.

Coulee Dam


3/2 - A driver was given a verbal warning for failing to fully stop when coming out of the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union.

- Police stopped a vehicle going south on SR 155 when officers noticed one of the headlamps was inoperable. The driver was given a verbal warning.

3/3 - A 67-year-old driver was arrested on a drunken driving charge, having tested .192 for blood alcohol content at police headquarters, more than twice the legal limit of .08. The driver had stopped his car at the Elmer City Access Road, but didn’t move when traffic cleared, causing other drivers to have to go around him. Police tried several times to communicate with the man, but he couldn’t speak so that the officer could understand him. Two officers had to nearly carry the man to the patrol car. He was taken to Okanogan County Jail.

3/4 - Police checked on a report that a vehicle had struck a tree at the Columbia View Apartments. Police said that the vehicle had struck the tree and knocked it out of the ground so far that roots were showing. It wasn’t known who hit the tree.

3/6 - Police checked on a report that a pit bull had bitten a 7-year-old girl on Central Drive. Interim Police Chief Larry Hall said that the dog was a puppy. It appeared the bite was more a playful act, as it did not break the skin.


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