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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


3/21 - A woman complained to police that she had loaned a pair of gloves to a man who was trimming her trees and she didn’t get the gloves back. Police are reviewing the incident for theft in the third degree charges.

- Police arrested two men at Sunny Drive NE and Fifth Street in Electric City for being in possession of a stolen vehicle. One of the men was wanted on a misdemeanor warrant and the driver was the suspect in the stolen-vehicle incident. The vehicle was taken from the Colville Indian Reservation. In searching the car, officers found two smoking devices that field tested for methamphetamines and a plastic gun. The two were taken to Grant County Jail.

- Police checked on a 911 hang- up call from Coulee Medical Center. The call was traced to a patient’s phone. There was no emergency.

- A man on Young Street told police he found a wallet on his street, gathered a number of cards and put them back in the wallet. He said he didn’t know the owner of the wallet. The wallet was given to police.

3/22 - Police were informed that a semi-truck was blocking traffic near the top of the dam. The driver said he had made a delivery there and had pulled into a passing lane to take some pictures of the dam.

- Police received a complaint that someone had written on the city’s library sign. The party whose name was used tried to clean the sign up, and later told police that the handwriting was that of a person who had been kicked out of an apartment. Police are looking for the person.

- An argument between sisters brought police to a trailer on Jackson in Electric City. The sister that was disturbed left after police were called.

- Police asked that felony harassment charges be brought against a man they said had threatened another man with bodily harm. The man making the threats could not be located.

- An officer checked on a woman who appeared to be high on something. She said she had been partying for four days and her boyfriend had hit her with her shoes. Police could not make sense of what she was saying and offered to take her to the hospital. A hospital person said there was nothing they could do and she needed to sleep it off.

3/23 - Tribal Corrections asked police to check on a man reportedly “in danger.” Police checked on the man, who lives on Stevens Avenue in Electric City, and determined that he was fine.

- The owners of a business in Electric City said their storage unit had been burglarized while they were out of town. Some items had been taken and the owner asked that patrols be made in the area.

- A man on Cardinal Road NE told police that his neighbor’s door was banging because it wouldn’t latch and that they had been away for weeks. The owner was eventually contacted and advised of the banging door.

- A Nespelem woman parked near the top of the dam, when asked what was wrong, admitted to police to having had five or six drinks. She asked, according to the report, “Can’t I say I’m drunk so I can go home?” The car was towed and the woman received a ticket for drunken driving. She was also cited for having no driver’s license, no insurance and no registration in the vehicle.

3/24 - A man living on Peter Dan Road near Elmer City was stopped because of a faulty headlamp and the officer learned that his license was suspended. He was cited for that and for not having insurance.

3/25 - A woman on Weil Place told police that she had received a call about owing money and that the party was going to send the police to her place to arrest her.She said the call was fraudulent and wanted to report it.

- Police checked on a report of a vehicle prowl at Spring Canyon Road. There was no one at the site.

- There was a report of a car flashing its lights on Federal Avenue. Police checked it out and found it was a man fixing his car.

3/26 - A woman on Burdin Boulevard called police to report that a man was threatening everyone with “PTSD droids.” It was 2 a.m. and the officer advised her of the negative effects of illegal drug use.

- An E. Grand Avenue man from Electric City was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail after an argument over hooking up his Playstation to a television set. Allegedly, the man had thrown a beer can at his girlfriend and her mother, then hit the mother with a cased cue stick.

- A Spokane woman, dropped off at the police station, told an officer she had swerved to miss a deer on the Wilbur hill and ended up in the ditch. She explained that she’d had two drinks on a stomach that was empty because she was fasting for religious purposes. She will receive a citation for driving with a suspended license. She was taken to Coulee Medical Center for observation.

- Police are looking for a Young Street man wanted for third-degree assault, making a false statement to an officer and resisting arrest. The vehicle he was riding in was stopped for a faulty brake light when the officer recognized the man wanted on a warrant. He was asked to get out of the car, and when the officer tried to get his handcuffs out, the man struck his hand and ran.

- A man trimming a tree on Burdin Boulevard was arrested on a warrant and taken to Grant County Jail.

3/27 - An elderly woman was bitten on the leg by a dog on E. Grand Coulee Avenue and treated at Coulee Medical Center. The owner of the dog said he had had the dog for only a year and didn’t know its history. An official at the hospital said the dog should be quarantined for 10 days to see if it had rabies.

- Security cameras showed a man taking a bottle of liquor and later leaving Safeway. He told police that he had planned to take the bottle but instead placed it in the toothpaste area. Store officials asked that he be banned from the store for a year.

- A man was asked if he had any warrants out for him and replied that he didn’t think so. Police checked and found two warrants for his arrest, and he was taken to Grant County Jail.

Coulee Dam


3/21 - Police went to a home on Riverview Drive to check on a man who reportedly had been suicidal. While there, the officer learned that the man had a warrant out for his arrest. The officer was advised that the man would take care of the warrant situation, and that he was not suicidal.

3/22 - A woman at Coulee Dam Casino was disturbed and finally told an officer that she had been assaulted by her boyfriend at a motel in Electric City. She stated that her boyfriend had thrown her shoes at her. The two had been at the motel for the past three days drinking, according to the report.

- Police checked on a report of a suspicious person near Harvest Foods. It was reported that a man wearing a black T-shirt and jeans was following two school girls. The girls had called their mother, who came to take them home. Police could not find the suspicious man.

3/23 - A woman who had been unruly at the Coulee Dam Casino earlier that week told police, all the while banging on doors and windows, that her boyfriend was around the corner and was going to kill her. She was taken into custody for disorderly conduct and taken to Okanogan County Jail.

3/24 - Police checked on a report of a door being open on a house on Birch Street. It was learned that the couple that had the house were deceased and the town was trying to learn who was supposed to be in charge of the house.

- Tribal police asked an officer to check on a runaway girl who was supposed to be at the tennis courts. She was not there.

- Police were asked to check on a possible DUI incident near the rock cut north of Elmer City. Police were unable to locate the suspect vehicle.

3/28 - A man was cited for not having a current operator’s license after being stopped for a license tab violation above the dam.


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