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Piercings, dancing, resurrection and a Calloway

Jess Shut Up

Well, it was a packed week last week, but Spring Break is just around the corner. With a week-long rest coming I thought I would give you my highlights for the last seven days.

Fundraising can be a drag sometimes. With the peddling of all kinds of stuff from cups to pizza, and donations for every sport and organization with their hands out and puppy dog eyes in place and locked to yours. But every once in a while an effort comes forward that makes you smile and reach deep within your empty wallet and gladly donate. This time the worthy cause was Lake Roosevelt’s ASB that needed to restock its funds that had taken a hit this year. The plan was that if three different staff members each had $100 donated in their office bucket, then they would have to get their ears pierced in front of the whole student body. With a little help from a “voice” and some other “mystery” staff members, all threes buckets were full by the deadline. So Mr. Josh Kelton, Mr. Jeff Pitt and Mr. Prewitt all are now carrying pretty stud earrings in their lobes. Check them out when you see them and tell them how pretty they are. All for a good cause.

Along with the ear piercing fundraisers, ASB and LR Leadership put on two dances back to back. The junior highers went for the first two hours and danced their little legs off. The high schoolers went next, and with a little less enthusiasm, but managed to put together some large circles of dance troupes to line dance and “Whip” and “Nae Nae.” Yes, that song was stuck in more than one chaperon’s head all weekend. Sometimes the staff supervising had better dance moves than the kids on the floor. No names will be mentioned to protect their dignity and their own children’s reputation. You’re welcome, Tammy and Susan.

Resurrection Sunday came to us this weekend (although the actual date is not until next month). Maybe we get to celebrate twice, or we should we be doing it 365 days a year like we were destined for. Just saying.

Maybe the highlight of the weekend is that I got to meet little Calloway, just a few days old and already a superstar. There is nothing in the world like holding a newborn baby, the feeling of joy, love and miracles all wrapped into a tiny bundle. A bundle that opens his eyes and sees things for the first time with awe and wonder, with only two cares in the world, food and a clean diaper. He is a snuggle bunny on a grade A level and looks just like his daddy. Congratulations, Emmaline and Malayla, on having a new baby brother. Do me a favor. When this little guy gets old enough to play with you, please do not dress him up in a dress and makeup and force him go outside and play house with you. Just a suggestion.


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