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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


4/14 - An employee at Sunbanks Lake Resort reported that a smoking pipe was found in one of the rooms after guests from Puyallup checked out. The pipe was sent to the Washington State Patrol Crime Lab for analysis.

4/17 - An Elmer City man reported that there was damage to his pickup while parked at Safeway. Officials are going to look at the security tapes.

4/18 - Police checked on a lost child report from Goodfellow Street in Electric City. The child was found, but the report stated that there had been incidents like this before. A report was sent to Child Protective Services.

- A Spokane man going through a separation from his wife had let her use his car, he said, and in it he found a smoking pipe and collapsible baton. He turned both over to the police.

- A woman in the Lakeview Terrace area told police that she thought her boyfriend might be suicidal. She said she thought he was walking to Grand Coulee. Police could not find him.

4/19 - A woman from Hill Avenue said she had been at her friend’s house and had too much to drink and didn’t remember sleeping with her friend’s boyfriend. She reported that she had received threats about the incident.

- A man on Roosevelt Drive reported two calls from someone who wanted to fix his computer. He said he knew it was a scam, but wanted to report it.

- Dispatch informed police that there was a theft in progress on Lakeview Boulevard. The person at that address said there was no theft going on.

4/20 - A man was arrested for trespassing at King’s Court and taken to Grant County Jail.

- A woman on E. Grand Avenue told police that her boyfriend had stolen her car and that he didn’t have a driver’s license. The two had been drinking the night before, she said, and when she work up the car was gone, along with credit cards and some cash.

- A woman on E. Grand Avenue said she had received an email from her ex-husband and she thought it might be a threat. The email was about damage to the man’s vehicle.

- A woman on Stevens Avenue in Electric City was told she was under investigation for threatening a witness in a sexual assault case. She denied she had made threats.

- Police were advised that a man was watching children play on Hill Avenue. The reporting party thought the man was a convicted sex offender. The officer checked and found that the man was not a convicted sex offender. Police tried to locate the man but couldn’t find him.

- A Van Tyne Avenue woman told police that her son was violating a no-contact order. Police went to the residence and arrested the man for that and a warrant out of Wenatchee. The son was taken to Grant County Jail.

- A Wilbur man was arrested for trespassing a residence on Banks Avenue and taken to Grant County Jail.

4/21 - A 21-year-old woman was arrested after she allegedly threw a rock through the window of an ex-boyfriend’s house on A Street. She was taken to Grant County Jail.

- A man at Continental Heights reported to police that he hadn’t seen his neighbor for a long time and was worried about him. Police checked on the man and found that he was OK.

- A man on Dill Avenue showed police that someone had entered a house he owned by using a pry bar to force a padlock off the door. He said he didn’t think anything had been taken.

4/22 - Dispatch advised police of a 911 call reporting that a woman had been beaten up at the rodeo grounds. Police responded and couldn’t find the woman.

- A man, stopped because of expired plates, explained that he was in the process of moving, and the paperwork the officer requested was packed in some boxes. He was told to provide the paperwork at the police station by early the next week or he would be cited by mail.

- A local citizen found 10 full bottles of beer and two empties near the car wash on Spokane Avenue. Police took the items and placed them in the property room.

- A Grand Coulee man told police that he saw a couple of items in a yard sale that might have been taken from his residence. Police went to the location but the sale had ended.

- Two fishermen were told that they couldn’t anchor to the boom line at North Dam.

4/23 - Checking on report of a domestic issue on D Street, an officer found that a girl and her guardian had had words after she arrived home late.

- A number of boaters were asked to detach from a buoy line at North Dam. They all did so.

- Police were called to Sunbanks Lake Resort, where a woman claimed that another woman had pushed her toward a fire pit and that she had scraped her leg. Police asked about someone pushing the woman and the party denied that it occurred.

4/24 - A man who had been sleeping in his vehicle in the Safeway parking lot was told that he had to move to another place. He complied.

4/25 - Police checked on a report of domestic violence at a Hill Avenue location. The officer found that there had been just a verbal dispute and that it had been taken care of.

Coulee Dam


4/12 - A driver on the Elmer City Access Road received a warning from an officer after being stopped for going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone.

4/13 - A woman on Yucca was having trouble with her newborn baby and an ambulance was called to assist. When the responding officer got to the residence, the baby was feeding from a bottle. Mother and baby were taken to the hospital as a precaution.

- A vehicle was stopped in front of the town shop for not displaying a license plate on the front. The driver was warned but told if it happened again there would be a citation.

4/14 - Two vehicles were stopped along SR-155 for going over the speed limit. Warnings were given.

- A vehicle was stopped on the Elmer City Access Road for going 56 mph in a 35 mph zone. The officer found that the driver did not have a valid license. The vehicle was turned over to a licensed driver and a warning was given.

4/15 - An officer checked on a two-car accident in the credit union parking lot. Neither vehicle was damaged.

4/16 - Police were called to a house on Yucca Street due to a mental health issue. Police helped the person get in touch with a professional.

- A person on Central Drive complained that a neighbor’s recreational fire was causing their house to smell like smoke. The man with the legal fire said he was about ready to put the fire out.

- Police cautioned a large number of youth playing “fugitive,” a hide and seek game, to stay off the roadway.


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