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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


4/24 - Safeway reported to police that a woman came into the store and placed three bottles of liquor — Jameson Whiskey, Smirnoff Twist, and Captain Morgan Run — into her white purse, along with some beef jerky, and walked out without paying for it. One of the clerks followed her out and got her license plate number. The entire episode was on video and police are trying to identify the woman.

4/25 - Plant Protection asked police to check on a vehicle parked in the lower Visitor Center parking lot. The officer found a woman in the car waiting for her husband to get off work.

- Two kayaks stolen from a cabin on the Colville Indian Reservation were reported to be on the front lawn of an Electric City resident who told police that a man had dropped them off. The Electric City man is on supervision from the Department of Corrections and the report is being sent to the prosecutor’s office.

- A high school student from Electric City was warned after he was identified as the person doing “donuts” off of Kruk Road.

4/26 - Two separate residents in Electric City called to report a low flying airplane over houses in the area. Police stated it was a plane spraying Banks Lake for the mosquito district.

- A woman on Pearl Avenue fell for an IRS scam and sent $1,500 to a con artist who called claiming to represent the government tax agency.

4/27 - Police noticed a man on the ground near The High Dam bar. There was a bottle of Fireball Whiskey next to him, only a quarter full. The officer called for ambulance service but the man refused to go to the hospital. The officer gave the intoxicated man a courtesy ride home.

4/28 - A man on Stevens Avenue in Electric City reported that overnight someone had broken a window in his vehicle. The cost to fix the window was given at $227.45.

4/28 - An Electric City man told police that someone had entered his former wife’s house by prying the front door. He also reported that someone had cashed a check at a local restaurant for $120 . He said the check had been stolen over 20 years ago.

- A Hill Avenue woman was cited after she was identified as the person who took a bottle of vodka from Safeway without paying for it. Police found her at Main Street and Spokane Way. When they tried to grab her arm she took a drink from the bottle with her other hand. She was cited.

4/29 - A woman was cited for not having insurance after she told an officer that she rarely drives outside of Nespelem, so she had not purchased insurance.

- Police assisted a tribal officer who had a driver pulled over on Marina Way near Coulee Dam. The man had driven through security cones and was stopped about a mile from the top of he dam. He took a sobriety test and the report was marginal, so the officers offered to escort him to a place where he could sleep it off. He was told not to drive. Later, the man was stopped for going 16 mph over the speed limit on Midway Avenue in Grand Coulee. He was cited for speeding, for having no driver’s license on his person, no proof of insurance and no registration.

- A man on Young Street reported to police that during the night his girlfriend had taken his car and, he thought, returned to Seattle. Police were given her name and address in the Seattle area.

- A man known not to have an operator’s license was stopped and issued citations for failing to transfer title, and for having no license or insurance.

- A woman said that when a man backed into her Chrysler, her husband, who was just getting into the car, was pinned between the door and frame. The man said he would drive himself to the hospital for treatment. The accident occurred at Jess Ford.

3/30 - Police responded to a potential domestic issue on Roosevelt Drive. A man at the residence decided to stay a few days with a friend while things settled down.

- A Nespelem woman was cited for going 10 mph over the speed limit on SR-155, not having her license with her and not having insurance.

- A fisherman was told that he cannot fish after dusk near North Dam Park. He asked if he could continue loading his fish and was allowed to do so.

5/1 - A woman walking down Burdin Boulevard told police she felt threatened by a pit bull-type dog while on the street. Police mailed a citation to the owner of the dog.

Coulee Dam


4/25 - A woman who allegedly punched another woman in the face and threw rocks that hit her car was arrested and taken to Okanogan County Jail. She faces fourth-degree assault and third-degree malicious mischief charges. The incident occurred at Sixth and Birch Streets.

4/27 - An officer gave a warning to two people riding outside on a vehicle at Central Drive and Crest Streets. The report stated that the parties felt stupid about the event.

4/28 - A person who had been warned about not having his front plate on display was stopped again on SR-155, and this time was cited.

4/29 - Police went to the elementary school, where a fourth grader had thrown a pencil and hit a teacher in the face. The student failed to respond to a request to pick up an art paper and threw the pencil. The student was released from school for the day.

4/30 - A man wanted on two warrants from Okanogan County was arrested inside the Coulee Dam Casino and taken to jail.

5/1 - A man told officers that the reason he had hit a tree on the 900 block of Central Drive was because his steering wheel had locked up. The officer thought otherwise and was convinced that the driver had had too much to drink. He was issued a drunken driving citation and taken to Okanogan County Jail.


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