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Local woman supporting grandparent rights push

A move is currently underway to get a people’s initiative on the ballot in November that deals with giving grandparents and other family members the right to visit children where relationships have been severed by death, divorce, or disagreement.

Initiative 1431, if passed by voters, would restore an earlier law that allowed relatives to petition the court for visitation rights.

Carol Winfrey, a local Farmers Insurance agent, took up the cause recently and is trying to create interest in the initiative.

Before the initiative could be presented to November voters, the sponsors would need to get 247,000 Washington state registered voters to sign the petition, which then goes to the secretary of state’s office for validation.

Winfrey has the petition at her office, 310 Spokane Way, in Grand Coulee.

The group pushing the initiative is G.I.F.T.S. (Grandparents Inspire Family Tradition and Spirit).

The petition drive will be costly, estimated at $700,000. The signatures need to be in by July 8, in order for the initiative to be on the ballot.

The group is seeking volunteers to help in the petition drive.


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