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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


5/31 - A man on Coulee Boulevard East, told police that sometime during the night someone had stolen four tires on chrome wheels from his residence.

- A person on Main Street told police that a chocolate colored Labrador dog was loose in the area and often defecates in his yard. Police looked for the dog but couldn’t find it.

- Police checked on a domestic violence report on Federal Avenue and found that it was just an argument. However, the woman involved was cited for not having an interlock in place on her car and for not having a driver’s license. The man was picked up and taken to Grant County Jail on a warrant that had been issued for his arrest.

- A woman on Young Street was advised that she needed to have her dogs licensed and that she could legally only have two dogs in the city. The officer was called to the area on a complaint of dogs barking.

- A passenger in a vehicle, which was stopped in Electric City because it had no license plate showing, was arrested on a warrant and taken to Grant County Jail. The driver was cited for failing to have the vehicle registration, not having his driver’s license with him, and for having no insurance or plate on the vehicle.

- A man on Sunny Drive in Electric City advised police that someone had thrown two syringes on his property. The officer took the syringes to destroy them, but while there, a woman said that she thought her house had been entered while she was walking her dog. She was advised to lock her doors when she left the house.

6/1 - A woman on Martin Road said she had been called by someone posing as being from the Internal Revenue Service. Knowing it was a scam, she hung up on them. She gave police the number from which they had called.

6/2 - A Canadian wearing a turban and talking on his cellphone at the park below the Visitor Center was asked if he was enjoying the view of the dam. He said he thought it was Hoover Dam and was told that Hoover Dam was a long way south of there. He said he was headed back to Canada.

6/3- A man who had been treated in the emergency room and was waiting for a ride outside will receive a citation in the mail for fourth-degree assault and is banned from the hospital grounds unless seeking treatment. He allegedly made inflammatory remarks to a woman and her daughter and then grabbed the woman’s arm, threatening her. It was all caught on security tape.

- A man received a handful of charges after being stopped for not having a license plate on his vehicle. Police found that the man’s license was suspended and he didn’t have a required interlock device, insurance, license plate on his vehicle or signed registration. Both the driver and the passenger, who owned the pickup, left on foot.

- A Grand Coulee driver was stopped for a defective brake light, and the officer found that he had an invalid operator’s license. A passenger with a valid license took over driving the vehicle. The man was cited for the offense.

6/4 - An Omak woman driving a red convertible was cited for not having a plate on the rear of her car and not having insurance.

- Police responded to a domestic dispute on Bowen Street and found that a man had been locked out of his house by his wife. The story was that the two had been in Spokane the day before celebrating his wife’s birthday when they got in an argument over a phone call he received. The cops were called and the woman was advised to leave, so she returned to Grand Coulee, leaving her husband in the city. When he got back, the argument spilled over and 911 was called. The man agreed to stay the night elsewhere while the two settled down. She was asked if she wanted a New Hope packet, and she said no because she was one of their counselors.

- Police stood by in the emergency room while an Electric City woman, described as “extremely intoxicated,” was treated. She had allegedly threatened those who were treating her. She settled down after the police got there.

- A resident on B Street reported that her vehicle had been stolen. She gave police the name of a suspect and where she thought he was headed.

- Police checked on a report that someone was rolling rocks down from Crown Point and they were landing on Columbia Avenue. The persons responsible were not found.

6/5 - Police returning from taking a person to jail checked on a vehicle that was off the road at milepost 187. No one was found in the area and the vehicle was locked.

Coulee Dam


6/1 - There was a lot of name calling going on at town hall as a man protested late charges on his utility bill. He had made only partial payments, and late charges had been added. He reportedly called town staff a lot of unkind names and stormed out of the building. Police asked if the staff wanted the man banned from the building. They said they would think about it.

6/2 - A man on Tulip Street told police that he heard a woman scream from a nearby residence. Since the party in question was Native American, and the incident occurred on Trust property, police referred the matter to Tribal Police.

- Police stopped a vehicle that hadn’t stopped at the intersection of Sixth and Cedar. The male driver tried unsuccessfully to convince the officer that he had stopped. After he told the officer that he didn’t have a license or insurance, he was detained and the officer found a warrant for him. He was taken to Okanogan County Jail.

6/3 - A woman on Grant Street let police know that there was a rattlesnake next to her car. An officer responded and removed the snake.


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