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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee

7/5 - A Malott man was stopped on SR-155 near the dam after an officer noticed one of his vehicle headlamps was out and that he was driving in an erratic fashion. The driver admitted to having had alcoholic drinks and had an open can in the front of the car. He was cited for driving under the influence, having no insurance, no interlock, and for driving with a suspended license. There was an arrest warrant out for him, but Grant County Jail didn’t have room so he was taken to his brother’s house and given a court date.

- An officer had to tell people in a house on E Street to turn down their music. They apologized and did so.

- Police were called to a disturbance at the Eagles Lodge, where they learned that a bartender had become upset and tossed the keys at officials who were in a meeting there. They told police they didn’t know the procedure for locking up the lodge, and the officer asked them to call the management.

- Police stopped a suspicious vehicle and found the driver had a suspended license and a warrant for his arrest. A call to Grant County Jail revealed that the jail was full. The driver was cited for driving while his license was suspended. A passenger with a valid license took control of the vehicle.

7/6 - A man living on Continental Heights said someone had contacted him saying he had inherited $8.1 million and that he had given out his Social Security number. Police advised the man to contact a Social Security office and tell them what had transpired.

7/7 - An officer found the 500kv switchyard gates open and no one around. He notified USBR Plant Protection and was asked to close and lock the gate.

- An unruly patient who had been dropped off by tribal police was causing problems in the emergency room while waiting for a mental health representative. Police responded and stood by until things were under control.

- Police were called to Coulee Medical Center where a man was reported to have hit his sister. Police couldn’t determine that anything actually occurred.

- A woman living on W. Grand Avenue in Electric City told police that she thought tires from a disabled vehicle in her yard had been tampered with.

- A Moses Lake woman reported that she thought someone had taken her cell phone while she was in a bar on Main Street.

7/8 - Police responded to a report that there was a disturbance on Main Street. The officer found that two women had gone outside to have a smoke. There was loud music coming from their apartment so the officer asked that it be turned down.

- Dispatch advised police of a woman possibly in need of medical attention. She was found walking with a man on Grand Coulee Avenue and told police that she needed to be on medication for mental illness. The officer offered to drive her to Coulee Medical Center but she refused the offer. The officer then gave her directions to the hospital.

- Police caught a man driving who was known to have a suspended license. The officer’s report is being sent to the prosecutor’s office for possible action.

- A man from Batchelor Square was sought after he allegedly backed into a vehicle as he was leaving La Presa Restaurant. The officer is requesting that the prosecutor charge the man with hit and run.

- Police were called to a residence on Federal Avenue on a report of domestic violence. The officer found that a man and a woman were having a verbal dispute, and that the man was wanted on a warrant for his arrest. He was taken to Grant County Jail.

7/9 - A woman on Banks Avenue told police that a truck was missing. Police found that the truck had been picked up at the request of the mother of the woman’s husband.

- A man lying in the roadway near the top of the dam was given a courtesy ride to his Hill Avenue apartment.

7/10 - A woman complained to police that her mother-in-law was coming into the house that she and her husband owned. The couple is in the process of getting a divorce and the woman had moved out of the house sometime earlier. Police had a corrections officer ask the husband if it was OK for his mother to be in the house and he said yes. Police advised the woman that her husband was in charge of the house and that he had given an OK for his mother to be there.

- Officials at the High Dam told police that they had a customer who refused to leave. The subject was leaving when police arrived.

- A woman called police to report that a male had caused damage to the fence at Bird’s Auto in Electric City. When police arrived, the officer couldn’t tell whether the damage was old or new. There was no one at the site, so the officer cleared the report.

- The owner of a boxer-type dog was advised that the dog had been defecating in the neighbor’s yard on Ronald Drive. The owner was advised if police were called back he would be cited.

- Police were called to Safeway by a woman with mental health issues. The woman said the parts in her car had been changed. She then explained that she was bipolar and schizophrenic and was off her medication. She was advised to seek mental health assistance.

- The same woman was arrested and taken to Grant County Jail for trespassing at an apartment and refusing to leave when requested to do so. The woman had been seen in Safeway with a parrot on her shoulder and had been contacted a number of times recently on mental health issues.

- An officer advised tenants in a Hill Avenue apartment to keep their dogs under control. It had been reported to police that one of the dogs was seen with a dead turkey in its mouth.

Coulee Dam

7/3 - Dispatch advised police that there was a car that was partially blocking traffic near the service station. Police learned that the car had struck the curb and had a flat tire. A tow truck was called, and when it arrived another person also arrived and said he would move the car to a parking site.

7/4 - Police checked on a report of a fireworks problem on River Drive.

7/6 - Police checked on an alarm at a residence on Birch Street and found that it was apparently set off by three dogs inside.

- A driver doing a rolling stop exiting the credit union was given a warning by police.

- A driver that was observed making two rolling stops and not having insurance got a $686 ticket. The rolling stops were from the credit union parking lot and where Columbia comes into SR-155.

- Another driver got a warning for rolling through the stop sign near the credit union parking lot.

7/7 - A vehicle making an improper turn from Roosevelt Way onto River Drive got a verbal warning from police.

7/9 - A driver going 50 mph on the Elmer City Access Road picked up a warning from a police officer.


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