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Park fund raisers

in Electric City

A community-wide garage sale to benefit the development of Electric City’s new park behind the fire station will be held Sept. 24, the council learned last Tuesday night. Last year, the event raised $1,200 towards the park. A second event, “Pig for the Park” is scheduled Sept. 10, in the park-like area behind city hall. That event is a public barbecue that also raises money for the park development. Last year some $2,500 was raised.

People cooperating

on cleanup

Gary Haven, Electric City’s nuisance officer, reported that he is making progress in getting local residents to clean up their properties. He told the council last Tuesday that his inspections included one chicken coop. Largely, he stated, parties respond favorably to suggestions to adhere to requests to abide by the city’s nuisance ordinance.

Once a month

not enough?

Both Electric City and Grand Coulee will be considering returning to twice-a-month city council meetings. Grand Coulee considered this Tuesday night, and Electric City will discuss the idea at its next council meeting. The two cities used to meet twice a month, but voted to cut meetings to once a month some time ago.

Toxins found in

lower Rufus

An unsafe level of a naturally occurring toxin was detected in algae blooms at Rufus Woods Lake, prompting U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials to post Washington State Department of Health warnings against swimming, water skiing and other in-water activities at the lake near Bridgeport.

The toxin is anatoxin-a, a nerve toxin produced by some blue-green algae blooms found in water bodies throughout the state. The toxin can be lethal to animals if ingested at high enough concentrations.


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