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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


8/29 - A resident in Grand Coulee reported that a suspicious man had been in their yard and also looked into the window of a neighbor. The complainant asked police that he be permanently banned from the property. Police checked on the subject, who was living in a travel trailer, and advised him that city code doesn’t allow living in a travel trailer. He denied doing anything wrong and said the trailer would be moved soon.

- Police checked on two men who were parked near a storage unit in Electric City only to find that they had a unit at that location. Later, police returned and the same two were parked at the same site.

8/30 - A driver exceeding the speed limit on Spokane Way was stopped, and the officer found that his license had been suspended for not paying a fine. He was cited and left on foot explaining that he would have a licensed driver pick the vehicle up.

- A resident on Roosevelt Drive said he had received a scam call about his computer. He said he did not respond to the call, but gave police the phone number of the caller.

- A man on Stevens Avenue in Electric City was picked up on a warrant and taken to Grant County Jail.

- The absent owner of a house on Burdin Boulevard told police that someone had forced a door, entered her house, and taken a 60-inch TV. The burglar had gone through boxes and dumped them out.

8/31 - Police checked on a man on Second street in Electric City who had fallen down. He said that someone had helped him get back into his house.

- Police observed a woman for whom an arrest warrant had been issued and stopped the car she was in. She was taken to Grant County Jail.

- Police checked on a vehicle parked below the former middle school and found two juveniles with some rum and beer in the backseat. One of the juveniles ran but the other responded to questions. When it was confirmed he had been drinking, his parents were called to come get him and the vehicle. Police are sending the report to juvenile authorities for possible action.

9/1 - A person sleeping in his vehicle in the Visitor Center parking lot was advised that he couldn’t park there. He left.

- Police received a harassment complaint from a woman on A Street. She reported that she is receiving phone calls, and some of them are “nasty.” She also said she thought her Social Security Number and bank information might have been compromised.

- A man for whom an arrest warrant, had been issued from Douglas County was stopped on Alcan Road. He was arrested on the warrant and also ticketed for driving with his license suspended and for not having insurance before he was taken to Grant County jail.

9/2 - A woman on Young Street was warned about her barking dog and advised that if there was another complaint she would be cited.

- A man, stopped because he didn’t have a license plate on the front of his vehicle, was only warned on that issue because he did have the plate inside the car. But he was cited for not having insurance.

- A couple cleaning out a house on Banks Avenue told police that someone had entered the house through a window and taken some things. They gave police the name of a person they thought might have taken the items and police were checking the report out.

- The driver of a vehicle parked at a house that was for sale was advised that he was banned from the property. The officer’s report stated that the man had recently been arrested for burglary.

- Police issued an Electric City man a ticket for drinking in public. He had reportedly scared children nearby on A Street where he was ticketed.

- A man told police that it was his weekend to have his child but the mother had taken the child to the coast. He was advised to talk to his lawyer.

9/3 - A man mowing a lawn at a Butler Square house, and known to have warrants for his arrest, was taken by police to Grant County jail.

- Two boys who built a fire in their “fort” were sought by police, who wanted to tell them that fires put structures in the area in danger. A man who lives in the area put one of the fires out and then told police about it. An officer tried to locate the juveniles but no one answered the door.

- Police checked on a report of shots fired at Osborne Bay. The officer found a man with a pistol strapped to his waist who said he was just shooting into the ground. It was explained to him that shooting in a camping area was dangerous. While there, the officer told the party to put their campfire out due to the burning ban.

- A man who had reported kids playing with fire earlier said that a man had come to his door and, he believed, threatened his daughter. He told police that if the man returned he was going to fight him. Police recommended that if the man returned to shut the door and call police.

9/5 - A man on Second Street in Electric City told police that he was trying to cook some steaks on an open fire. He was instructed to put the fire out due to the burn ban.

Coulee Dam


8/30 - Police received a call that someone possibly had jumped from the bridge. Police looked around and only found an intoxicated person on a park bench.

- A resident on Central Drive, who had a key to his neighbor’s house, entered to put a delivered package inside and set off an alarm. The alarm was reset.

- A Child Protective Service employee told police that no one would answer the door at a Birch Street residence. Police also tried but couldn’t raise anyone.

- A man on Pine Street reported that someone had cut the hasps on his garage door to gain entry, and two boat batteries had been taken outside, police think, to pick up later. The owner of the property plans to put motion lights at the garage and was going to check to see if anything was taken.

8/31 - A woman on River Drive advised police that a theft had taken place. Police called tribal authorities to advise them of the theft.

- A man was stopped for going 41 mph in a 30 mph zone, and the officer found that his driver’s license had been suspended for not paying a traffic fine. The vehicle was parked until a licensed driver could take it away.

- A woman on Spruce Street told police that sometime during the night a prowler had gone through her pickup and taken some field glasses, a small amount of money and a safety kit. She told police that she couldn’t lock her vehicle.

9/2 - A man on Columbia Avenue reported that his vehicle had been prowled during the night and a phone taken. He said a bag with some old T-shirts and running shoes was also taken. He said he was concerned about the phone since it belonged to the Colville Tribes.

9/3 - A wildlife agent had stopped a possible drunken driver and was assisted by a tribal officer. The vehicle was towed and the driver processed at the Grand Coulee Police station.


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