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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


9/19 - Police checked on two people on the hill above the 500 KV Spreader yard and found that they were working for CenturyLink, repairing problems caused by the recent fire.

- A driver stopped near Riley Point glared at the officer when he wrote her a ticket for going 11 mph over the 30 mph speed limit. He asked her to “drive safely” as he handed back her documents and the ticket.

9/20 - A woman on Roosevelt Drive reported that her dog had been attacked by a pit bull near her home. She showed the officer how the pit bull had injured her dog’s ear and the top of its head. The dog was taken to the vet for treatment. The woman who was caring for the pit bull was told she would be cited. The pit bull was taken to the vet for a rabies test.

- A Grand Coulee driver was cited for following too closely after bumping an Electric City driver’s vehicle at Four Corners, resulting in very minor damage to the vehicle that was struck.

- A woman who had a storage unit on McGovern told police that someone had taken the lock off her unit and put some things inside. The items — a clothes dryer, a bucket of lighters, a suitcase and a woman’s coat — were removed from the unit and placed outside. A new lock was installed.

- A woman on Young Street was in a dispute with a man over retrieving items she had in his house when the two were living together. The man had piled, neatly, some of the items at the end of the driveway for her. She was advised to seek a court order to get the remainder of her items.

9/22 - A dog owner on Grand Coulee Avenue will get a citation in the mail about her barking dog, and also for not having it licensed. A neighbor complained that the dog had been barking since 5 a.m.

- Police checked on a suspicious person on A Street who had been standing in front of a house for 40 minutes. The officer learned that the man had been banned from the house and had been there to gain information about his children. The woman at the house told the officer that there were other ways he could communicate with her without standing in front of the house.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that a motorhome was parked in the lower Visitor Center parking lot. When confronted, an occupant said, “There is no sign.” Since the occupants had been drinking, they were advised to remain there until the effects of the alcohol had worn off.

9/23 - Police checked on an alarm at Continental Heights and found that a man had fallen and injured his leg. An ambulance was called.

- Police advised the city crew that water was gushing out of a manhole at Roosevelt Drive and Martin Road.

9/24 - A woman wanted on a Grant County warrant for driving without a license was arrested and taken to jail.

- Police checked on two men walking on Coulee Boulevard East and found that one had a warrant out for his arrest. He was taken to Grant County jail.

- A man without a shirt at the taco stand on Midway argued with a nearby man and demanded a shirt from him. The shirtless man was given a ride to his home by the officer.


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