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Town gone from nice to nothing

Letter to the Editor

Not sure where to start. We have gone from a nice town with services to nothing in a few short years. We are being told to call 911 after 5 p.m. and on weekends.

We have over 18 single ladies in this town, over half over 70. We have only six or seven single men and over 11 empty houses. Some for sale, others just there.

Our drug problem has doubled and we have no police to take care of us. I felt very safe in my home when we moved here, but not any more. Plus, if we try to sell our place, no one wants to move to a town with no services. It’s bad enough we don’t have anything else here for people to do.

We have a young man who has a home (and family) here. He has put his name in for chief of police twice. The mayor wrote him a letter telling him he didn’t qualify, (although) he is a chief of police. He is young, so we would have him for awhile. He is a native and served his country in the army.

Then here we are Sunday, 9-11, and we have two fires going, the windy air is blowing the fire around and we, the neighborhood, are a little worried about it. One person called to find out from our mayor what was being done, and he said it was not a problem and things were in place. We never saw one of our own police. We saw some state of Washington officers.

My taxes just went up, and I need to know why? Where are our monies going? Are we really a town anymore?

Carol Daily

Coulee Dam


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