Electric City’s proposed park, behind the fire department building, may not get developed until sometime in 2018, city officials stated.
The council, at its October budget workshop, decided to wait until a grant application to Washington State Recreation Council Office is decided. The application is due in 2017, for funding in 2018.
Grants are up to 50 percent matching, and city officials decided to wait for possible funding before starting on the project.
The city will have $60,000 budgeted for possible matching money next year.
City Clerk Jackie Perman said that volunteer labor and use of city equipment can go toward any matching expenses associated with the grant.
The city, through two “Pig for the Park” fund-raisers and a current bicycle raffle, has been raising money toward development of the park.
The park site was graded earlier and surplus equipment from Center School is planned for the park.
“I would like to see at least the retaining wall done this next year,” Councilmember Lonna Bussert stated. Bussert has been active in the park proposal since the city acquired the property from Banks Lake Bible Church for $25,000. The city put a $10,000 down payment on the park site and is making payments for the balance.
The city plans to submit a grant request early next year.
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