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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


1/11 - A Grand Coulee woman reported she believes she is being stalked by a man after receiving a free coffee from a local coffee stand from a “secret admirer.” The woman investigated the incident herself and found out whom the coffee was from. Police advised her to contact district court to seek an order.

- Police were advised of a verbal domestic dispute at a Continental Heights apartment building, where an argument had ensued after a woman threw out a dinner cooked by a man.

- Police were advised of a subject crawling across the ice on Banks Lake. While checking the area, the officer was advised that the subject was back in the hotel and safe.

1/12 - Police responded to a report of a domestic dispute in a room at the Center Lodge Motel. After speaking with the arguing parties, police determined the dispute was only a verbal argument over personal family matters.

1/13 - A man at the Grand Coulee Power Office of the USBR reportedly received a threatening message on his cell phone from a private number. The situation is still under investigation.

- Police entered a residence on Second Street in Grand Coulee knowing a Nespelem man wanted on a warrant was inside. They found him, as well as a Grand Coulee man wanted on a warrant and another man on probation, in one room. One of the men threw a baggie under a chair. Police arrested him and the other two, and confiscated a baggie containing a white crystalline substance and paraphernalia alongside three oxycodone tablets.

- Police found a fully involved vehicle fire on Hill Avenue in Grand Coulee. The vehicle is listed as abandoned and has been in that location for more than two years. The reporting party stated he saw a black full-size truck in the area with three to four males lighting fireworks. He did not see the vehicle lit on fire, nor was he able to describe the vehicle or participants. No further action will be taken without more information.

1/14 - An anonymous person reported that someone was yelling and making all the neighborhood dogs bark. An officer found an intoxicated male in a back yard yelling very loudly, who explained that he was howling so that the dogs would howl back. The officer told him to stop howling or more complaints would result in a breach-of-the-peace charge.

- People fishing at the buoy line at the feeder canal at North Dam were advised by police that water was going to be pumped into Banks Lake. All fishers cleared the ice.

- Police responded to a report of a fight on Continental Heights in Grand Coulee. The residents explained to the officer that they were having a verbal argument and had decided to separate and end their relationship. Both told the officer that there was no physical contact and that one or the other was going to move out that day.

- Police responded to a report of malicious mischief on Weil Place, where a woman advised the officer she had been awakened by her dog barking at someone outside in the middle of the night. In the morning she noticed that it appeared a man had urinated on her front tire, as evidenced by stained snow. She believed it was her ex-husband.

- Police responded to a report that the caller’s brother’s hand was bleeding, possibly from a stabbing or gunshot wound. Police went to the residence, where they were told the brother’s hand had been cut while working on the brakes of his bicycle and that the caller had overreacted by calling 9-1-1.

- An Electric City man, wanted on a warrant, was arrested at the Coulee Dam Casino and taken to Grant County Jail.

1/16 - A woman on Roosevelt Drive stated that on Friday the 13th the front door to her residence had been kicked in. She did not believe any of her belongings had been taken. There are no suspects.

- Police responded to a residence on Grand Coulee Avenue where a man told an officer that his shop had been pried open and a wire-feed welder stolen. Police took photographs of the scene, and the incident is under investigation.

- Police responded to a report that a woman was screaming somewhere behind the Grand Coulee Post Office. The officer observed a woman crying hysterically. She explained that she and her boyfriend had been visiting her family nearby. She had wanted to stay longer, but the boyfriend just got into the car and left her there. The officer contacted her nearby family, who advised that she could stay there for the evening

1/17 - USBR Plant Protection advised of a man walking dangerously close to the road in Electric City at 4:25 a.m. The man was advised to stay out of the roadway.


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