CCT Planning
The Colville Tribes Land Use Review Board will be holding a public hearing to make a ruling on the following land use and development permits:
The Town of Coulee Dam has submitted a land use and development permit application for the construction of a new 0.20 mgd extended aeration wastewater treatment plant. Major elements include earthwork, site improvements, concrete process basins, supply and installation of process equipment, process and operation buildings, sludge dewatering processes, electric and controls. The project does not include any work below the ordinary high-water mark of the Columbia River. The site location is accessed from River Drive (SR-155) and is located within the Town limits of Coulee Dam along the east bank of the Columbia River and immediately down river from Grand Coulee Dam. The property is fee land within township 29 North, Range 30 East, Section 36; Okanogan County parcel #0610150000, 0610280000, 0610140000, 0610170003, 0610170004, and 0610170002 and is within the boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation.
A public hearing for the above mentioned land use and development Permit Applications will be conducted on Wednesday, January 25, 2017, at the Lucy Covington Government Facility (Colville Indian Agency) starting at 9:30 a.m. in Conference Room 2-1.Written comments will be accepted until Monday, January 23, 2017, at 4 p.m., or comments can be made verbally at the public hearing. All comments may be sent to Pete Palmer, Land Use/Shoreline Administrator, P.O. Box 150, Nespelem, WA 99155, or they can be faxed to her attention at 509-634-2581. You can also contact the Tribal Planning Department at the aforementioned address or phone number to request a copy of the permit documents.
(Publish January 18, 2017)
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