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Green fees to stay the same

Sometimes when organizations don’t raise rates it makes the news. Port District 7 commissioners last week reported membership dues at Banks Lake Golf Course will remain the same for another year. Individual memberships are $700, with family memberships $800. Junior memberships are $100, and green fees for nine holes are $18, and for 18 holes $30. Cart rentals for nine holes are $12, and for 18 holes $24. The course is scheduled to open March 1, weather permitting.

Firm selected for Elmer City

Belsby Engineering of Spokane has been selected as Elmer City’s engineering firm. Belsby has been serving the city and, after scoring highest in a rating system, the town council selected the firm to continue its work. The town is midway through its study of determining if it will put in its own wastewater treatment plant. Elmer City is currently being served through Coulee Dam’s plant, and is in year 42 of a 50-year agreement to do so.

NPS will hold meeting in Spokane

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area will host a public scoping meeting in Spokane, at the Center for Clinical Research and Simulation building (CCRS) court, 412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd, on Feb. 6 at 6 p.m.

The focus meeting is to discuss the expansion of a variety of proposed outdoor recreational opportunities. Preliminary options include: development of a disc golf course, installation of traditional and 3-D archery ranges, mountain bike course, expansion of the park’s trail system, and the development of a Kettle River Water Trail for non-motorized watercraft.

Drive defensively against drunks

The Washington State Patrol is citing a drunk-driving arrest last Thursday as a cautionary tale after a driver was arrested with a blood- alcohol level six times the legal limit — before 10:30 a.m.

The 31-year-old man was spotted driving erratically on I-5 near 145th in Seattle. The responding trooper found him parked in the grass area off the freeway at 236th, unresponsive, the Volvo still running and in drive, with his foot on the brake.

Be careful out there; you never know.


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