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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


2/21 - Police checked on a disturbance at a Hill Avenue apartment. Police encountered a woman who refused to stop and went around the corner of the apartment complex, where she fell, breaking her ankle. She had complained that a man had hit her. A woman who said he had not was found to be wanted on a warrant, arrested and taken to Grant County jail. An ambulance was called for the woman with the broken ankle.

- A clerk at Coulee Gas said she wanted an Elmer City man permanently banned from the store after the man tried to leave the store without paying for an item.

- Police recognized a van registered to a wanted man and followed it about a half mile with lights on before the driver would stop. The driver was not the wanted man but was cited for driving with a suspended license and not having an ignition interlock.

- A woman asked for an officer who was in the Grand Coulee city council meeting to step out, then told him that she was wanted on a couple of warrants for her arrest, one in Okanogan County and one in Grant County, and that she wanted to give herself up. The officer confirmed the warrants and took her to Grant County jail.

- A Grand Coulee man told police that when he was walking east on highway 174 a man swerved his pickup and tried to hit him. He gave officers a description of the pickup and where he thought the man lived. Police talked with the owner of the pickup, who denied that he tried to hit the walker. Police told him to stay away from the man who had been walking.

2/22 - A citizen on Hill Avenue reported to police that he thought there was some drug activity nearby. A suspicious car was gone when police arrived.

- A suspected burglary was checked on West Grand Avenue in Electric City. The person was gone when police arrived.

- A business person on Spokane Way reported to police that they had found drug paraphernalia near their business. They gave it to police but were advised not to handle needles.

- A woman told police that she saw a woman walking a Doberman dog near B Street and thought it looked abused. The woman and dog were gone when police arrived.

- Police got another report of alleged drug activity on Dill Avenue. The person had walked away from the residence before police arrived. Later the same day the same man reported suspected drug activity at a house nearby.

- Police stopped a woman on Midway Avenue where he noticed her vehicle tabs had expired. She was issued a ticket on the tabs and for not having insurance.

- Police tried to stop a Cadillac that had only one headlamp; the vehicle took off north on highway 155, reaching a speed of 100 mph. The officer stopped the chase for safety reasons and tribal police were notified.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that a man was walking on the roadway above the dam. Police told the man to use the sidewalk where one was provided and to stay off the roadway.

2/24 - A Coulee City woman with a suspended licensed was issued a citation after police found her operating a vehicle.

- A woman was issued a citation for continually interfering and getting in the way when an officer assisting Coulee Dam police tried to question a man, who was in a Cedar Street residence, about a domestic disturbance.

2/25 - A resident who has complained of drug activity at a Hill Avenue location did so again. Police keep checking on the man’s reports.

2/26 - A man on Dill Avenue reported again that there was drug activity nearby. Police went to the area but there was no activity in the area.

- A woman on Burdin Boulevard told police that a man had put up a profane sign that told her to mind her own business.

2/27 - Police received a 911 call about domestic violence on Park Avenue in Electric City. The caller said that a couple were arguing and the woman ended up on the ground, but she told police that she had tripped on her dress and fallen to the ground. The couple stated that it was just a verbal argument.

2/28 - USBR Plant Protection advised police that there was a woman yelling and cussing on the trail by Post 4. An officer contacted the woman, who said she was just walking to her dad’s place.

- Police responded to a man with a mental issue on Burdin Boulevard. The man was taken to Coulee Medical Center by ambulance for treatment.

3/1 - Police were advised that a dark, tar-like substance was found at a Continental Heights location. The substance was identified as marijuana resin and was destroyed.

- A citizen found a balloon on Second Street with a white, powdery substance in it and the party thought it was an illegal drug. Police identified it as a “stress ball” and thought it was made of cornstarch and water. The substance was tested and proved negative for a controlled substance.

- Lincoln County asked for assistance on a reported burglary in progress on Spring Canyon Road. Police found a man who had been drinking and was trying to get into a friend’s trailer to get out of the cold. It was the wrong trailer, so the man was cited and then delivered to a location on Burdin Boulevard.

3/2 - Police checked on a report of either fireworks being set off or a gunshot on Spokane Way. Police couldn’t find anything amiss.

- A report of a man wearing a canvas jacket and shorts walking in front of the Banks Lake Pub in Electric City got the attention of a police officer. He said that he and his brother had been arguing and he was out walking to cool off. He was told to stay off the roadway.

- A Grand Coulee maintenance worker advised police of an intoxicated man on the ground near the police department. An officer gave the man a lift to his sister’s residence.

- A hospital security official advised police that a man was looking into vehicles. Police contacted the man who said he wasn’t looking into vehicles. The security official asked that the man be banned from the facilities except for medical care.

- An officer assisted Coulee Dam police in a pursuit of a vehicle that eventually stopped near Elmer City. The male driver left the car and fled. Police asked a passenger who had been driving and she was evasive with her answers. She was taken to Okanogan County jail.

- Police are looking for a man who took a bottle of “Fireball” from Safeway and fled without paying for it. The man was identified through a security camera.

3/3 - A man wanted on a warrant was seen walking on Midway and was taken by an officer to Grant County jail.

- A woman on Sunset Drive was advised that her two dogs were loose. She told the officer that she was sick and couldn’t take care of the animals. A plan was worked out for her son to assist her in finding a place for the dogs.

3/4 - Police checked on a reported threat to commit suicide and found that the subject was OK.

- An intoxicated man was found on the ground near Tracy’s Glass. He was given a ride to his sister’s place.

- USBR Plant Protection reported that a man was staggering up the hill by the dam. Police talked to the man, who was well known to the officer from previous contacts. He said he was staggering because of “athlete’s foot” and was singing gospel songs. The man was carrying a gas can. He was advised to continue on his way home. Plant Protection called again a little later to say that he had crawled over the wall on the hill. Police contacted him again and when asked what he was doing, he said, “This is where the sewer comes out.” He was advised that he was permanently banned from USBR properties, except on sidewalks. The man continued on his way home.

3/5 - A man who had fallen and injured himself sought help at Center Lodge Motel, and an officer asked for an ambulance to assist him.

- Police checked on a report of a woman yelling and crying on Burdin Boulevard. An officer talked with the woman, who was upset that she was all alone and didn’t have a phone. She said she wanted a protection order against a neighbor. The officer told the woman how to get the order and she said she already knew how.

- An officer assisted a man who said he had nowhere to go. He was taken to a motel nearby.


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