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Emergency declared and flood warnings issued in Okanogan Co.

Okanogan County commissioners declared a state of emergency Monday, due to threat of flooding and debris problems on county roads.

Commissioners passed the resolution after county roads suffered damage from heavy precipitation recently. They acknowledged the continued threat of heavy rain has created a danger to public health and the safety of those using county roads.

The Charlton Complex and other wildfires stripped vegetation from hills in the county, resulting in flash floods with mud and debris being swept over roadways.

Commissioners stated that the state of emergency will continue for the immediate future.

At the southern end of the county, Peter Dan Road closed several weeks ago when a landslide covered most of it near the Buffalo Lake turn.

Elsewhere, other rural highways in northeastern Washington were closing due to washouts stemming from water-logged roadbeds.

Highway 21, some 15 miles south of Republic, is washed out at Gold Creek, and the state Department of Transportation has no re-opening date.

Porcupine Bay Road, in Lincoln County, is closed after a massive landslide cut off access to the bay, the most popular Lake Roosevelt destination from Spokane, with no re-opening in sight.

US 395 is closed just north of Colville, with water flowing over the roadway.

And a house about a mile north of Keller has tipped into the San Poil River, where high water has eroded the bank, the Tribal Tribune reports.

This article has been corrected regarding the landslide in Lincoln County with the correct road named.



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