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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police files

Grand Coulee


4/16 - USBR Plant Protection reported an alarm at the 500 KV switchyard station. The officer recorded that there were a number of tumbleweeds against the fence.

- A man at Spring Canyon Apartments told police that he had left one apartment and entered another, where three males holding knives stood up and looked at him. He told police that he took off running. He provided officers with the identification of some of the three.

4/17 - A man on Young Street told police that a car had been stolen off his trailer during the early morning hours.

- Officials at the Grand Coulee Library advised police that they had found a large hunting knife at the library. An officer took the knife and placed it in lost and found.

- Police were called to a house on Burdin Boulevard in regard to a woman concerned about her son having some sort of breakdown. Police found the boy in his bedroom wrapped in a blanket and praying. Police left.

- A school employee reported to police that someone had torn a piece of plywood off Center School and entered the building.

4/18 - A man known to have a warrant for his arrest was stopped near the Banks Lake Pub in Electric City. While searching him, the officer found a bank card with another person’s name on it. The officer conferred with the card’s owner, who was incarcerated at the time, who said the person shouldn’t have the card. The man was taken to Grant County jail on the warrant, and a charge of being in possession of another person’s bank card will be added.

- A woman on Sunset in Electric City told police that her car was stalled and a well-dressed man had assisted her. She later realized that her wallet was missing, but she wasn’t sure whether the man had taken the wallet or she just misplaced it.

- An official from the Liquor Control Board was involved in an issue where a bartender was cited for serving a minor.

4/19 - A person on Young Street gave police a description of a man who was walking around a shed. Police found the man and questioned him but didn’t cite him.

- A Nespelem man was cited for not having up-to-date plates on the vehicle he was driving.

4/20 - A resident of Coulee Boulevard West in Electric City was advised to keep his animals inside so city workers could read the meter.

- Child Protective Services asked police to accompany them as they checked on a woman and her child residing on Burdin Boulevard.

4/21 - The manager at Grand Coulee Apartments reported to police that someone had taken off with a riding lawnmower. He will try to get the model number for police.

- Boys seen throwing rocks through a window at Center School were contacted by police and then turned over to their parents. The one throwing the rock said that the window was already broken and he was trying to throw the rock through the hole.

- A Hill Avenue woman was cited for expired tabs after being stopped at Federal and SR-155.

4/22 - A 43-year-old man on Burdin Boulevard was arrested for assault, domestic violence in the fourth degree after allegedly pushing his mother. She asked that he receive an evaluation after his release from Grant County jail, where officers took him. She also asked officers to place a no-contact order on the son until he receives the evaluation.

4/23 - A man told police that someone without insurance had backed into him at a coffee stand. The man was advised to access the Washington State Patrol website and fill out the proper report.

- An abandoned vehicle blocking Alcan Road was removed by a wrecker.

4/24 - Two vehicles were marked for removal by police. One vehicle was on Spokane Way, the other on Hill Avenue.

- A man with a middle-eastern accident told police that he was the grandson of a woman living on Electric Boulevard in Electric City and that he wanted them to check on her. Police knew that the woman in question had been the victim of a scam and so checked with another relative to see if the “grandson” was legitimate. The relative told police that the woman didn’t have a grandson by that name. Police told the man to quit trying to call her.

- A driver was stopped because his headlamps were not working; police found that his license was not valid. He was cited and a license driver showed up to take charge of the vehicle.

Coulee Dam


4/18 - The driver of a pickup was reported as spinning brodies on the high school football field. The responding officer pulled over the suspect vehicle and found an 82-year-old driver who thought he was having a heart attack and his surgically implanted heart defibrillator was shocking him repeatedly. The officer called for an ambulance.

4/21 - Children told police that they thought they were being chased by a man near the town shop on Stevens Avenue. The officer knew the man to be a tribal detective, and he was told the detective was just seeking a motel room.


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