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A few things on my mind this week

Jess Shut Up

First off, a lady very instrumental to my faith passed away last week. Pat Piccolo, whom I consider one of the kindest ladies I have ever had the privilege of being around, was not only instrumental in a lot of people’s lives, but was there when I first gave my life to the Lord. I was working for her husband, Vic, and on many occasions we would return home to her having a warm meal waiting for us. Homemade spaghetti, made with elk burger, will forever be engrained on my taste palate. Along with a huge heart, compassion for those struggling and a stern way that was mixed with love and humor, I will always remember her kind words and encouragement, even in the most difficult of circumstances. Someday I hope to have the commitment, strength and outpouring of love that she showed us all every day.

OK, is it just me, or have car chases taken on a new life in the Coulee? It might be that social media just gets it out more than it used to and we see it as it unfolds. One officer thought it would be a good idea to remind us all that in a situation like this, it is best that the average citizen stay far away from the happenings of local law enforcement. Don’t follow the chase, don’t try and get ahead of the chase, and please do not help apprehend a possible criminal. They appreciate tips, but trying to give hands-on help is more dangerous for the citizen. We also must be diligent as a community. Lock doors, no keys left out, and report suspicious activity. But above all, stay safe.

Kudos to the man who turned in the money found at the gas pumps. In a community that seems swallowed up by criminal acts and unsavory individuals, it is great to hear that an average citizen did the right thing and turned in a wad of cash to the authorities. How easily the money could have just disappeared. Instead, this local hero turned in the money and it was returned to the person who had lost it. Good job.

Gum. I was recently walking between the old high school and the new, where I counted more than a hundred dried up remnants of chewing gum. Squished, dried and flat. So I went on a journey of old gum. The sidewalks in front of just about every business in town had dead gum on them. Sometimes just outside of a trash can. A new global epidemic has developed. We can no longer see trash cans. We need to put big flashing, neon signs up showing us their locations. Or we must install bright orange safety signs above every receptacle, allowing us to see where the gum depositories are to be found. Or we could just stop throwing our gum wherever, not caring about the fellow citizen that might step in it, the animal that might eat it, or the environment that is already battling a pollution-filled world. We can fix this one.


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