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Coulee Cops

Reports compiled from police file

Grand Coulee


6/7 - Police checked on a report that a man and woman were walking down Federal Avenue arguing. When asked separately, the two said there was nothing going on.

6/12 - A Florida man who was flying his drone over the top of the dam to film the water on the spillway was informed that he couldn’t fly a drone on federal property. He put the drone away.

- A Moses Lake man who was stopped and cited near Pole Park for going 57 mph in the 30 mph zone, told the officer that he was in a hurry to get to the Coulee Dam Casino.

- A man who was woken up in his vehicle on Hill Avenue said the number 14 had been spray painted on his door.

- A woman on Diamond Street told police that she had looked at her phone for a text message and struck a parked car. There was an estimated $8,000 damage to her vehicle and $4,000 to the parked vehicle.

- School officials reported that someone had spray painted the south and west side of the gym at the former middle school. There are no suspects.

6/13 - A woman who told police she was moving out of a house on Sunny Drive in Electric City said she returned the following day and found the screen off a window and the front door unlocked. She reported a laptop computer, valued at $500, missing.

- Police checked on a reported assault at a Hill Avenue location. One of the men involved said there was no assault, just a verbal discussion.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that there was a car parked at the top of the dam. The officer noted in his report that one tire was flat and the tread worn down to the steel belt, and that another tire also showed steel belt. Police caught up with a woman walking down the hill with several children. The officer advised her that there weren’t enough car seats for the kids and that the car was unsafe to drive. She said her husband was on his way to fix the tire.

- A woman, separated from her husband, said he had been harassing her over seeing a child. The officer told the woman it was a civil matter and the two needed to contact the courts and work something out.

6/14 - Employees at Farmers Insurance reported that they heard something hit the window and went outside to find a broken cell phone, and two men walking away. There was no damage to the window.

- A man on Section Place NE reported that a Mustang car was being driven recklessly. Police saw where the vehicle had been spinning its tires, but it was gone when police arrived.

6/15 - Three tribal officers were at a Camas Street location investigating a report that a man had beaten up a woman. Coulee Dam police were active and not in the area at the time.

- A woman wanted on a warrant for her arrest tried to turn herself in, but Grant County jail officials were not accepting anyone at the time.

- Police checked on a report of shots fired in the Division Street area. They found that a transformer had blown and notified Grant County PUD.

- Police set up traffic control on King Street where there was a fire. Residents were given a motel voucher so they would have someplace to stay.

6/16 - A resident on Roosevelt Drive complained of dogs barking and traffic problems. Police made several visits to the area during the day but didn’t hear any dogs barking or traffic problems.

- A woman from out of state called police to report that a man had hit his daughter at a Park Avenue address in Electric City. Police went to the residence and found that everything seemed OK.

6/17 - A Grand Coulee woman was stopped near Pole Park for going 42 mph in a 30 mph zone The woman was cited for speeding and for having no insurance. She was also wanted on two warrants but Grant County jail wasn’t taking prisoners at the time.

- Police observed a vehicle known to be associated with a woman wanted on a warrant. The police went up to the vehicle and noted the wanted woman was trying to hide. She was arrested and taken to Grant County jail.

6/18 - A man on Yakima Street had all four of his tires slashed and fish guts smeared all over his dash. There are no suspects.

- USBR Plant Protection reported a suspicious bag left on the cement wall at the Visitor Center. Police approached the bag and couldn’t see any wires coming from the bag. As they got closer they could see inside and noticed diapers and a baby bottle. It was a diaper bag.


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