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Specific questions for candidates and an idea

I recently asked local candidates to tell us about their candidacy. After polling local folks and hearing from more than a few folks on social media, it seems there are specific questions that we’d like to pose to the candidates. These are two of the more than 20 that I received. I will share a few as often as allowed. I have no favor towards any candidate in this election, no dog in the fight. I would just like to see an election that actually serves our community and results in a positive outcome.

1)  Cole & Douglas Park, West Coulee Dam: Both parks have experienced an uptick of vandalism, drug debris (needles included), and people under the influence in the park. The problem has become so disturbing to the young families in our community that many children are now not allowed in our parks. What are your thoughts on eradicating this problem?

2)  Young families are desperate for daycare in the area. It would seem that the town could offer some sort of scholarship and perhaps a small grant for supplies to get more of them going. The daycares that are currently licensed could receive the same amount of money to bolster their operation. Would you be willing, as a councilmember, to champion this cause and how would you accomplish it?

Now on to an idea. I want to say first of all that there will be those who say that “This can’t be done because of RCW blah, blah, blah or regulation #XYZ” or some other obstruction. Yes it can. There is not one piece of paper that another one cannot fix. So here’s the idea:

We have EIGHT people who have lined up to run for office in our town. Eight people who have passion and desire to serve our community! Why in the world would we not include them all in our council? I propose that we elect our officials — the folks who will cast the votes — and let the remainder, those who ran but didn’t win, be on council as alternates to the position they ran for. They would not have a vote but would have:

1) Access to all the same information that the council members have. Transparency gets a huge boost right there. There is also never again “no quorum” and every meeting, every issue keeps moving. An alternate would be allowed to cast a vote when serving in the place of an absent council member.

2) The right to question and report to the council on issues before the council.

3) Serves as on-the-job training for our future council members.

4) Alternates could also serve as liaison to committees and boards. 

We’re all aware how hard it is to get people involved in our local government. This one doesn’t like that one, hard feelings, old beefs. It’s time to let that go. It hasn’t served us in decades. We should recognize that we have a wealth of desire and passion and we should be encouraging every single person interested. 

Why in the world would these Great People be considered losers and not be included? Doesn’t make sense. Again, I’m sure you crossers of t’s and dotters of i’s will say that it can’t be done. But I think it could be and that it should be discussed. I ask the candidates, what do you think of this idea?

Glo Carroll

Coulee Dam


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