I, for one, am very disappointed in this non-4th of July, 4th of July celebration.
Many who had reservations here over the 4th did not know that the fireworks were on Saturday. One of my daughters who works in the office of Columbia River Inn called all who had reservations for over the 4th and had many cancellations. I doubt that all motel and campgrounds did that, leaving many visitors unhappy when they arrived to find that the fireworks and festival in the park were already over.
Folks have already heard many times over that the newest laser light show is dull and boring compared to the old one and they would not be back to see it again, as there is not any of the bright colorful laser light patterns set to music anymore. I agree. I have been twice; have to give things a second chance. I don’t believe it is enhancing tourism, but rather hurting it.
We need more and better, not less. Where’s the pool many visitors ask and have been asking for for a lot of years? I know some will remember a swimming pool was to be the #1 priority of the park and recreation district! That seems to have been lost. There was a group simply called (the pool people) who set out to get financial backing and support for the pool from towns surrounding Coulee Dam, and that was accomplished. We have the land and a beautiful park setting in Coulee Dam where the pool was. (Ideal, as it has late afternoon shade to help prevent too much sun.) Dressing rooms still there.
I would encourage someone younger to revisit the pool people’s original idea and the site and maybe even talk to some of us originals! I still believe that it is very doable with support of all five towns.
Carol Schoning
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