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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee

8/10 - Officers were called to a reported fight near Federal Avenue. When the officers arrived, both parties had fled.

- An officer driving near Kent Street in Electric City observed a person known to be wanted on arrest warrants. The person tried to flee, but after about a 50-yard chase he stopped and was taken to Grant County jail. One of the warrants was for a felony case.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that there was a man at the gate at the 500 kV Switchyard gate. Police found the man, who was a Bureau of Reclamation employee working on the locks.

- A backpack was found that contained the identification of an Electric City woman who told police she had never seen the backpack before and it wasn’t hers.

- Police received word that three people were yelling profanities at campers. Officers could not find the trio.

8/11 - A suspicious person report brought police to Jackson Avenue in Electric City. The officer found a man asleep in a vehicle that had its lights on. The officer confronted the man, who the report stated was intoxicated, and asked for identification. He gave the officer his keys. The officer asked again, and the man gave him a screwdriver. The officer raised his voice and this time the man responded with his ID. The owner of the house where he was parked offered to let the man sleep it off after the officer gave the man a lecture on driving while intoxicated.

- An Electric City employee told police that there was an injured deer near the Department of Transportation site. Police had to kill the deer and advised Fish and Wildlife of the matter.

- A man at Continental Heights dialed 911 because he forgot the number for the police department. He was told to dial 911 only in emergencies.

- A woman on Partello Parkway told police that a dog rushed her and leaped up, trying to bite her. Police learned to whom the dog belonged and are trying to reach the owner. The woman didn’t want to file a report, but said she just wanted the police to know about it.

- A woman on Sunny Drive in Electric City reported that her car was stolen sometime during the night and gave police the name of the person she thought took it.

- A person told police that a dog had been left in a car at MPH Repair. Police went to the place and saw a dog sitting in the front seat with all the windows rolled down. The officer found that the dog belonged to an employee at the firm and received water routinely.

8/12 - Police were asked by county officials to check on a reported altercation at Jones Bay Campground. The officer learned that it was just an argument between a couple. The man said he planned to stay away from the area during the night.

- A local resident told police that someone had dumped branches on Eden Harbor Road. Police traced the vehicle to its owner at Spring Canyon Apartments. Police were told that the branches would be picked up, so no citations were issued.

8/13 - Police told the driver of a semi-truck that he couldn’t park near the overlook area just above Grand Coulee Dam and gave the driver a place where he could stay the night. The driver left the area.

- An officer making a traffic stop on West Cardinal Road learned that an occupant of the vehicle was wanted on an arrest warrant out of Okanogan County. She wasn’t taken into custody because the jail had restrictions and couldn’t take additional people.

8/14 - A freight company from Oregon called and said that officials there had lost track of one of its trucks. Police found the truck; the driver stated that he didn’t have cell service and couldn’t call in. Police assisted the man in reaching his company.

- Police assisted Coulee Dam and tribal police at a house on Camas Street, where four suspects were arrested for attempted burglary.

8/15 - An Electric City woman told police that someone had stolen her pain pills from her vehicle. She said she had left the vehicle unlocked and there should have been 52 pain pills in the bottle, but they were all gone.

- A Coulee Dam woman said she had lost her phone while shopping at Safeway. She stated that someone had called and said they had her phone and arranged a meeting place to return it. They didn’t show.

- Dispatch advised police that an officer should check on the welfare of children at a Burdin Boulevard location. Police found the children to be OK.

8/16 - Police saw a person that Lincoln County was interested in, arrested him and took him to Lincoln County officials.

- Police stopped a vehicle that was traveling 35 mph in a 20 mph zone and issued the person a citation for not having current insurance.

- A Nespelem man was cited for driving with a suspended license and for not having insurance after being stopped after dark for a headlamp violation.

8/17 - A woman on Roosevelt Drive told police that there was someone on her property and they wouldn’t leave. When the officer arrived she told him that the person, a woman, had done some damage to her door and a lawn ornament. The person had left the area and later confronted the homeowner in Coulee Dam. She asked police to ban the woman and a man from her property and suggested that they be cited.

- A Kirkland, Washington, man was identified as the person who drove into the car wash at Jack’s Four Corners, causing substantial damage. He was advised to contact his insurance company for damages.

- Police were called to Jackson Street and Park Avenue on a suspicious person incident. The suspect fled and later entered another nearby residence. When police arrived there the suspect, known to police to be wanted on a felony warrant, had fled again. He is being sought on the complaint and on the warrant.

- Several people staying at Sunbanks Lake Resort reported that someone had broken into one lodging and two vehicles during the night.

- A flagger near Lakeview Terrace told police that he saw a man either jumping or being pushed from a vehicle. He said the man proceeded to walk toward Wilbur. Police informed Lincoln County to be on the lookout for the man.

8/18 - Police were called because of a dispute between the owners of Trail West Motel and its manager. The dispute was settled by the manager returning the keys to the motel and leaving the premises.

8/19 - Police assisted three “drunken” women who, the report stated, were obstructing traffic at Snyder Road and Coulee Boulevard. Police drove the women to their desired locations.

- A woman at Weil Place told police that she was having trouble controlling her daughter who was throwing things about in the house.

- Police were called to East Grand Coulee Avenue over a dispute between two men over a dog constantly barking. Police got the two to settle down, and the owner of the dog said he would try to keep the dog quiet.

8/20 - A man on Dill Avenue told police that young kids were walking the neighborhood with baseball bats, threatening other kids.

- A woman on Dill Avenue was cited for her two pit bull mix dogs running loose. She said she didn’t have the money to license her dogs or to get rabies shots for them.

- USBR Plant Protection advised police that there were two juveniles on the roof of the restroom at the lower parking lot near the Visitor Center. Police told the two to get down and not go back up there.

8/21 - Police cleared a dead deer from the roadway north of the entrance to Sunbanks Lake Resort.

Coulee Dam

8/13 - A man wanted on a felony warrant for his arrest was found at a house on Camas Street. Police had been at the house earlier because the homeowner stated that he wanted the man out of his house. He left before officers arrived. Later, when an officer passed by, the man was back. He was arrested and taken to Okanogan County jail.

8/14 - Police checked on an individual on Camas Street to see if he was authorized to be there. When the man was cleared, police left.

8/15 - When checking the same Camas Street house, police noticed a woman coming from the backyard. She said that she was waiting for the woman in charge of the place while the owner was in jail. The woman in charge of the property cleared the woman.

8/17 - A man residing on Camas Street told police that he had been bitten by a dog as he was walking for exercise on Central Drive. He told police that the dog was about three feet in size, tan/brown in color with some white, short hair and with an 8-12 inch tail and large jowls. He told police that the dog bite didn’t break the skin. Police told him to notify an officer if he needed medical attention.

8/18 - A man who recently moved into a house on Cedar Street reported that he had been watering his lawn because the lawn was almost dead and that he had left to go to Moses Lake, but upon returning found that his hose had been pulled into his neighbor’s yard and cut. Two men came out of the house and told him the 6-foot-long piece that had been cut from his hose was possibly going to be used to siphon.


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