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Coulee Cops

Grand Coulee


8/21 - Dispatch advised police that three juvenile hikers were lost in the dark somewhere behind the rodeo grounds and toward Electric City. The hikers were able to show a light from their cell phone and police helped them to safety. The mother of one of the hikers was notified, but the other two stated they didn’t know their parents’ phone number.

8/22 - Police recognized a driver on SR-155 as a person wanted on a felony arrest warrant. The vehicle was stopped and the driver arrested and taken to Grant County jail.

- Police were investigating an incident in which a man had been pepper sprayed. He gave police the name of the person who had pepper sprayed him.

- A woman told police that she was attacked by a black dog near Flo’s Cafe. The report stated that it appeared the dog had chewed its leash until it could get free while its owner was inside the restaurant. The woman stated that the dog got her hand in its mouth and wouldn’t let go. Police stated that the dog was not licensed and that the bite did not leave marks. The owner of the dog was cited.

8/23 - Police learned of a man reportedly driving recklessly who lived on Third Street in Electric City. Officers went to that location and confronted the man, who, the report stated, was drunk. He refused to let officers put handcuffs on him, and when two officers wrestled him to the ground he hit his head on concrete, cutting his forehead. EMS were called but he refused their help. He finally let police take him to Coulee Medical Center, where the wound was treated. Officers then took him to Grant County jail, charged with reckless driving and obstructing a police officer.

8/24 - A resident on Electric Boulevard in Electric City informed police that he found a backpack behind his house. Police stated the backpack contained a number of small items and identification. Police have the backpack and its items in the department property room.

8/25 - A driver waved at an officer in his patrol car and the officer noticed he wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. He was stopped and cited.

- An officer was called to Dill Avenue where he learned that a dog was running loose. The owner of the dog was not at home, and when the officer checked with the city he learned that the dog was not licensed. The owner is being cited for allowing a dog to be loose and unlicensed.

- Three dilapidated cars on Hill Avenue have been ordered by police to be removed by towing.

- While on patrol, an officer noted two dogs that were continually barking. He left word at the residence about the problem and the owner, when he returned, called police to say he let the dogs inside.

- A woman camping at King’s Court called police to report that four people were watching her. Police checked the area but couldn’t find anyone.

- Police gave an intoxicated man and his wife a ride home after finding the man unconscious and drunk near Banks Lake Pub.

- A man was cited for driving 69 mph in a 60 mph zone at milepost 17 on SR-155 after the officer caught him by radar.

8/26 - An East Grand Coulee Avenue man was arrested and taken to Grant County jail on a warrant after he was stopped near Martin Road. He is being charged with driving without having an interlock system in his vehicle and driving with a suspended license.

- Police responded to Sunbanks Lake Resort on a call that a man was smoking “crack.” Police found that the call was unsupported.

- An officer observed a woman on Hillcrest lying beside the road. When he spoke with her it was apparent that she was drunk, and her knees were scraped from falling down. The woman told the officer that she had been at Banks Lake Pub. The officer called the pub and suggested that they send a licensed driver to take the woman home. After the driver came and the woman was assisted into the car, the officer cleared the call.

8/27 - Police worked out a domestic issue at Sunbanks Lake Resort. A man and his daughter had an argument the night before. She was with him as part of a parenting agreement, but wanted to go to her mother. The office arranged for that to occur and she went with her mother.

- A Coulee Dam woman was stopped near Spokane Boulevard NE and issued a citation for having expired tabs.

- A Bowen Street resident was stopped and cited on SR-155 between Grand Coulee and Coulee Dam for having expired tabs.

- A 3-year-old boy was found at Jack’s Four Corners station. When asked where he lived, he pointed up toward the hospital. Police went to the area and found a man walking who said he was about to call police because his grandson was missing. The man said the boy had been playing outside and managed to open the gate and make his way to the station. The boy was given a ride home.

- A woman told police that a money bag with $1,400 in it was missing from her vehicle. She said that other people sometimes drive the vehicle but they didn’t know anything about the missing money. Police noted it was likely a vehicle prowl.

Police stopped a King Street resident for expired tabs, and later charged the driver for this and for driving without a license or insurance.

Coulee Dam


8/21 - Police stopped a vehicle that had only one headlamp working. The man said he was aware of that and the officer found that the driver had a suspended license. He was cited, and since no one in the vehicle had a valid driver’s license, the car was parked while they sought a licensed driver.

- Police handled a trespass complaint at Harvest Foods.

8/24 - A Tilmus Street resident went to the police department to report that he saw two males shooting drugs at an apartment complex. He gave police a description of the two. Police sought the two but found only one man when an officer arrived. The officer looked through the town but couldn’t find a pair that answered the descriptions.

- An officer responded to a report of domestic violence at a Holly Street address, where a man and woman were breaking up and arguing about who should get the phone. Since there had been no physical contact, the man got his belongings and left.

- A person called police to report that they had picked up a stray dog near Mead Way and Fir Street and didn’t know what to do with it. Police advised the person to let the dog out and it would probably find its way home. The person with the dog stated the would try to take the dog to Davenport, where there was an animal control place.

8/27 - Police were investigating the report of a burglary at a home on Cedar Street.


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