News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


Windmills to get some love

The historic and whimsical Gehrke Windmills and North Dam Park will get some planned maintenance next month, and a new fund has been set aside for their upkeep.

The Coulee Area Park and Recreation District, which manages North Dam Park, started a dedicated fund for the windmills’ maintenance with a $200 donation from North Cascades Bank last month. District President Bob Valen said he would like to see that grown and maintained around $600.

Next month, the Grand Coulee Dam Rotary Club is set to work on the windmills for a couple days.

New hires/assignments at schools

The Grand Coulee Dam School District board passed five personnel hires at its meeting Monday night. Hired were Jaci Gross, SHARP program leader for grades 6-8; Christi Berry, SHARP morning program leader for grades 2-6; Abigail Gause, SHARP program leader for grades 9-12; Ashley Manderscheid, SHARP program assistant leader for grades 4-5; and Ashley Landeros, tech literacy coordinator.

Blood drive Monday

There will be a Grand Coulee Community Blood Drive, Monday, Sept. 18, from noon until 4:30 p.m., in the community room at Coulee Medical Center. Inland Northwest Blood Center is working with local officials on the blood drive.

License office sets limited hours

Due to staff training on Sept. 14, customer service in the vehicle/vessel licensing department of the Okanogan County Auditor’s office will be limited to 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., with only one operator available, Auditor Laurie Thomas said.

To avoid lengthy wait times, customers are encouraged to work around that date for titling or registration transactions, if possible.


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