That day is still vivid in my memory. This past Monday, September 11, Patriot Day, marked one of those days in American history we should never forget. Much like Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941; JFK’s Assassination November 22, 1963; and dropping the Bombs that ended the war, August 6 and 9, 1945, these dates are ingrained into our culture and our history.
I relive the memories once a year, but I think about it often. I got up that morning like any other morning. I was about to get into the shower before heading to work at Colville Tribal Emergency Services. I was the Interim EMS Supervisor and Fire Chief. But for some reason I decided to turn on the news. I was in shock. I quickly woke up Karrie and we watched in horror together. I then went to work. We heard a lot about the details the next few weeks. A total of 2,896 people died that day because of a terrorist attack. Firefighters, police officers, medics, travelers, business people and many others of different arenas died doing their jobs. Twin Towers, planes and the Pentagon, all forever scarred with the words “Terrorist Attack.”
The details came in slowly, but the images stay permanently as the events of those days came into focus. Those who ran in while others ran out; those who jumped to their deaths because the heat was so bad; the heroes who took down a plane, sacrificing themselves to save others. Leaders stepped up, others crumbled. Volunteers from around the globe showed up in New York to help. Powerful images poured over our television screens. America got hit on the jaw, but it was not the end.
America came together. We bonded like we had not done in a long time. Neighbors helped each other. America was standing up for patriotism all over the country. We stood against terrorism and we stood up for the heroes. Today we are seeing it again. It was not a terrorist attack this time, but a combination of storms that crippled Texas and Florida. But once again, America stood up and helped. With compassion and dignity, we reach out and help.
I will remember. That is why I stand during the National Anthem. I think of soldiers who died for me, I think of firefighters who rushed into a building, I think of Americans on a plane who would not let the terrorists win. I think of freedom. That same freedom that gives you the right to demonstrate for whatever cause you are passionate about is the same right for which people died. I will stand when our National Anthem is played, because those who died for my freedom stood and ran into the fight knowing that they may not come out unscathed. They did that for me and for you. The least we can do is stand up.
I will remember. We should all remember. Not just on this date, but on all 365 days of the year. America and our Constitution was and is something worth fighting for. We should not let those we lost die in vain. We have bled on foreign soils and on our own American ground. Forgetting is not an option. May God bless the military, emergency services, law enforcement, and others who daily stand up and answer the call of America. We will not live in fear. We are Americans. Do not forget.
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