News, views and advertising of the Grand Coulee Dam Area


Ambulance calls reported

The Grand Coulee Volunteer Fire Department made 44 ambulance calls in August, Chief Rick Paris told city council members last Tuesday night. Thirteen of the calls were in Coulee Dam, and 25 calls were in Grand Coulee. EMTs made six transports of patients. Firemen also responded to five calls: one electric fire in Grand Coulee, two in Grant County Fire District 14, and two mutual aid calls.

Color run coming Oct. 21

Coming soon: the second annual “Color Me Pink & Purple” Breast Cancer Awareness Fun Run/Walk, Oct. 21, beginning at 11 a.m. Registration forms are available at the Coulee Medical Center front desk, radiology department, and Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce office, as well as online (

Two coaches resign

The Grand Coulee Dam School District board accepted two athletics-related resignations at its meeting Monday night.

Resigning were Hope Hansen, as a junior high track coach, and Bradley Oliver as high school assistant varsity basketball coach.

Student count noted

The official full-time-equivalent student count at Lake Roosevelt Schools for September is 693.5, according to records revealed at Monday night’s school board meeting.

Meeting date changed

The Grand Coulee City Council has changed its meeting date from Oct. 17 to Oct. 10. The council meets at 6 p.m.

Change of venue

Grant County Port District 7 will hold its regular monthly meeting this Thursday at 4 p.m. at the golf course, instead of the airport, because of work being done on the runway.


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