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Raiders best Bears in Brewster

The Raider football team squeaked by with a win on Friday in Brewster against the Bears, winning 24-19.

"It was a good win," said Head Coach Bubba Egbert. "They went out and played hard for all four quarters."

The game started with the Raiders kicking off to the Bears, who fumbled and a Raider recovered.

The teams took turns scoring, and the score stayed close through the full game, with the Bears leading for most of it.

Down 19-16 in the fourth quarter, the Raiders were able to get a touchdown late in the game to get the lead and the win. The Raiders had three touchdowns altogether, as well as Elijah Harris and Dylan Steinert each tackling a Bear in the end zone for safeties.

"Those were big plays," said Egbert. "The defense pushed them back there; getting the [quarterback] in the end zone was a big momentum shift."

"The offensive line really stepped up," Egbert continued. "We were able to run the ball to take time off the clock. Dylan Steinart really ran the ball hard. Hunter (Whitelaw), the quarterback, is getting better every week, making good decisions. Defensively, we were holding them. Tony Marchand and Elijah (Harris) had really good games. Offensively and defensively, there were a lot of guys that stepped up and made some great plays."

The Raiders will host the Oroville Hornets this Friday in Coulee Dam for the Raiders' homecoming game, which starts at 7 p.m.

LR vs Brewster

Raiders 24 Bears 19

Teams Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Final

LR 0 10 6 8 24

Brew 6 7 6 0 19

Offensive Stats - Passing: Hunter Whitelaw 5/8, 62 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT. Rushing - Tony Nichols 81 yards, 2 TDs; Dylan Steinert 75 yards. Receiving - Sam Wapato 44 yards, 1 TD; Tony Nichols 31 yards.

Defensive Stats - Tony Nichols 8 tackles, 2 assists, 1 TFL; Tony Marchand 7 tackles, 2 assists, 4 TFL; Elijah Harris 5 tackles, 1 assist, 4 TFL, 1 safety; Dylan Steinert 1 safety


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