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Doublespeak supports the unfair and morally obscene

Doublespeak supports the unfair and morally obscene

Is Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers ignorant about what is going on, literally, on the ground? She gives “doublespeak” about her support for the destruction of public lands in supporting House Resolution 3990 and in support of the newest House bill on budget and tax reform.

First, on the budget, Congresswoman Rodgers’ support would do deep harm to tens of millions of working families, women, kids, the sick, the elderly, and the poor.

It cuts Medicaid by more than $1 trillion over 10 years — which would throw some 15 million Americans off their health insurance. Further, this budget does what the Republicans did not attempt in their previous health care legislation: It attacks senior citizens by proposing a $473 billion cut to Medicare. This Republican budget also makes enormous cuts to education, nutrition, affordable housing and transportation.

Meanwhile, while decimating life-and-death programs for working families, the Republican budget provides $1.9 trillion in tax breaks for the richest people in our country and the largest corporations.

In fact, about 80 percent of the Republican tax breaks would go to the top one percent, while eliminating most individual deductions.

This Republican plan is not just unfair, it is morally obscene.

And then, “money-changer-in-the-temple” Cathy attacks the animals. Cathy says, “We can strike an appropriate balance between protecting animals and their habitats and effectively managing land development and economic growth.” What she says is not true, just ask Wolf.

“The American people own our public lands, and they should have access to them for recreation, conservation, exploration, and development,” and that is Cathy doublespeak.

Public ownership of public lands means and requires protection for recreation and conservation, something a conservative, you’d think, would like. But no, because exploration and development destroy the landscape, habitat, and the animals for the benefit of billionaires and their Big Energy companies who also receive more corporate welfare in the budget and tax plan.

In fact, the Trump administration is recommending lifting the ban on toxic uranium mining near the Grand Canyon. How is this performing “National Monument Creation and Protection” under H.R. 3990?

This ban would have protected the area for decades, but once again, Trump, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and Interior Secretary Zinke are putting billionaire Big Energy companies first and the public last.

Lou Stone



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