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In her case, "I" is for Issues

Dr. Ann Diamond has retired from her career as our small-town doctor and entered the race for state representative of Legislative District 12. Her campaign kickoff was great fun, with beautiful pies, hot cider and wonderful bluegrass music by The Apostles. The place was packed with people interested to hear Ann’s message.

The message I heard was one of deep concern and caring for the people of the 12th Legislative District. With her 24 years of experience in serving the medical needs of our community, Ann has gained a wealth of knowledge about what matters most to all of us. You know how it is when the doctor asks, “How’s life?” She might hear anything from, “Life is good; the favorite cow produced twins this year,” to “Life is hard; my job is on the line until the state capital budget passes.” And so the story goes. Ann has had a finger on the pulse of our community for many years.

Let’s face it, folks, we need help. We need a representative in Olympia whose power is by and for the people, not by and for the party. You will note that Ann has an “I” by her name, not an “R” or a “D.” In her case, “I” is for Issues. Ann cares deeply about the issues of healthcare, public lands and improving the economy of the 12th LD.

I’m here to stand up for Ann Diamond. I intend to work tirelessly in every possible way to see that she gets elected, because I know that is exactly what Ann will do for us in Olympia.

Pat Leigh



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